Dragon's Dance
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Cast of Player Characters

Tristayne Tullison
Aleister Coldbrook
Terren Dulver
Tymon Lannister
Marq Mooton
Ser Jergen Rohmner
Ereth Redwain
Ser Raynald Dulver
Samurel Manderly
Yve Tullison
Jamys Rivers
Luecian LongBow
Ser Walton Dulver
Kevan Lyras
Aeron Sand
Septon Arlyn
Derrock Swann
Walton Dulver
Dyana Marsten
Ser Fendrel Bartheld
Lady Corrine Marsten
Tristain Croson
Yoren longshore
Jon Cobb
Daveth Coldbrook
Colin Corbray
Leifnarr Longshore
Dunstan Tullison
Gwyneth Drakeson
Garret Snow
Benedict Marsten
Ser Jorah Holt
Theomore Tullison
Nathaniel Mason
Baelon Drakeson
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Cast of Player Characters - Page 2 Empty Re: Cast of Player Characters

Post by Septon Arlyn Mon May 25, 2015 9:01 pm

Septon Arlyn

Born AL 97 (29 yrs old)

At the foot of the Deepmont, nestled into the last curve of the causeway that climbs the mountain to the gates of Deepen Hall, sits the Sept on the Heath. Perched high above, the Vulture of Dulver rules the land. But below, the Merry Grouse (for so the smallfolk call Septon Arlyn) rules the people with a ready grin and an easy laugh.
Septon Arlyn began life as Arlyn Qargyle, third son of a landed knight sworn to the lord of Maidenpool. His father’s holdings were poor and with House Targaryen's peace firmly established in the Riverlands, there were two stout young men ahead of him in line for the meager inheritance his father would leave. Not given to fratricidal scheming, Arlyn was packed off to King’s Landing to study under the Most Devoted.
On his nineteenth nameday, Arlyn said his vows in the Sept of Baelor and gave up the name of Qargyle. For another year he served in the great sept before shedding his fine robes for the brown habit of a begging brother and began the wandering journey that would end, at last, in the Sept on the Heath.
For three years, Arlyn walked the tangled web of roads that winds through the riverlands, into the westerlands and back again. He learned a great many things in those years: to be poor, to be hungry, to dress and treat the wounds and ailments life layers on the smallfolk who dig the earth and feed the kingdom. As he learned those lessons, the smallfolk to whom he ministered came to know him.
Six years ago Septon Arlyn came up the Dulver road bearing messages for Lord Harald and Septon Quayle of the Sept on the Heath.When he arrived, Septon Arlyn found his holy brother in poor health, and old. On the night before Arlyn was to depart the Sept and take up the road again, Septon Quayle collapsed of a stroke. The old man would never rise from his bed again.
What began as a brief visit became a vigil. Without a maester at Deepen Hall, the burden of caring for the old man fell to Septon Arlyn. He did so dutifully, and alone. Septon Quayle had few friends among his holy brothers, having been a dour and humorless man in life, and the Sept on the Heath, while rich in history, had never been a posting much sought among the order. Through the long year of Quayle’s decline, Septon Arlyn was the only member of the faith to attend the old man. Upon the occasion of his death, Septon Arlyn (who had, in that year, grown fond of the folk that lived about the Sept and, truth be told, rather fat) spoke the words over Septon Quayle, gave his body over to the Silent Sisters, and took up his post.
It wasn’t long before Septon Arlyn and the young heir of Dulver, Walton, struck up a warm friendship.
Lord Harald, though he had the respect and devotion of his smallfolk, did little to make them love him. What their lordship could not win and would not pursue, the people of the Stony Heath showered on Septon Arlyn.
With his ready grin and generous nature, it was hard to find anyone who had met him that did not love him. He spent as much time in the hamlet and wandering the hills tending to the faithful as he did preaching in the sept. He saw to the ailments of the common folk, delivered their children, blessed them and bestowed upon them their names. He saw them married, and buried. He tended them in life and in death. He was generous with the sept’s coffers, living frugally and giving out as alms all coins that came in at the offering but the barest minimum necessary to maintain the sept in good order.
Just as the smallfolk did, so too did Walton Dulver come to love Septon Arlyn. With no maester, the young heir’s education also fell to the septon. And as Walton fell short of his father’s idea of lordship, he found in Arlyn an alternative. A different way to rule.
Ser Walton’s affection for the septon has made Arlyn an unwilling and unknowing rival to Lord Harald. Arlyn did not set out to win anyone’s affection;
it is simply his nature to do so. He would be dismayed to learn that in teaching Ser Walton of the Faith he has in some way supplanted the young heir’s father and shocked to find that he has, in the process, gained Lord Harald’s resentment. Thus far there has been no confrontation, but should Ser Walton make clear to Lord Harald his preference for the septon’s style of leadership over his father’s, a confrontation cannot help but be close behind.
Septon Arlyn is a portly man, his chief vice being a great fondness for food. Given his position as the much-beloved septon of the only sept in the district, he has no shortage of invitations to table in the homes of parishioners who are eager to lay as welcoming a meal before him as possible. He is sandy-haired, red-faced, and his eyes glimmer gaily as he makes kind japes of himself and all those around him. In his years wandering he learned the right end of a cudgel;
though he is by no means a fighter, he can hold his own if need be. Most often, though, Septon Arlyn prefers to rely on an easy smile and the stature of his office to dissuade those that might do him harm.
Septon Arlyn has few ambitions of his own, generally being content to serve good people in the name of the Seven. He is, however, a charismatic man and quite astute once he turns his mind to a subject. Should he find himself in the right company he would not be the first man elevated despite his own lack of aspiration.

[size=150:2gneiyra]House History

As a landed knight to the Lord of Madienpool, Florian the Brave, Eugen Qargyle was an experienced knighted commander of Lord Walys Garrison. When Florian the Brave fell in battle during the Andals invasion, Eugen Qaryle was able to safely remove the garrison back into the earthen bailey of Maidenpool. Florian's lesser known half brother Fergal the Fool, surrendered the city of Maidenpool to the Andals. In repose to Eugen Qurgyles saving of the garrison, and in what some consider one of Fergals Follies, Fergal elevated Eugen Qaryle to be one of his banner men, replacing a bannermen that was killed and line erased.

Eugen Qagryle raised his banners in response to the call from the Mootons, Fergal the Fool, and marched under the banner of Kings Benedict I Justman During the battle of Paupers Bridge. During the Battle the first men fought ferociously, and began to push the combined might of the Moortons and Justman's back, causing the right flank of the newly minted alliance to falter. Eugen Qagyle waded into the front lines and personally threw down the commander of the opposing first men into the muck, mud and blood, causing the flank to push forward with renewed vigor and break the First men army instead. As a reward the Qargyles were gifted the burnt out remains of a tumbled down stone tower on a earthen bailey that belonged to a house whose names were lost to history.

Eugan Qagryle passed, and his Heir Rudyard Qagryle began to run house Qagryle. During his tenure the Mootons eyes turned towards Crackclaw Point. When the Mootons conquest failed, the peace That the Mootons forged was with the marriage of the Qagryles eldest daughter to the youngest son of Lord Lucifer Hardy, bringing about a loss of prestige to an already minor house

Rudyard realized that for a house to be taken seriously that they needed a seat to command from in safety. He began construction on rebuilding the tower, which unfortunately due to the chosing of incorrect stone lead to the tower falling down into ruin again. Rudyard also sent out the call for trained men to join him, unfortunately due to the low status of the house, only the lowliest of the hedge knights answered his call to join the small house.

The more recent actions of Septon Arlyn's eldest brother have drawn light to Maiden pools seedier side. Unfortunately how the attention was drawn by him frequenting those establishments and boasting proudly in his families townhome in Madienpool. Being an unfitting place for a young lord to visit, and drawing shame and scandal to House Qargye. With much influence and soldiers being joined into Lord Walys Mooton house as punishment, the scandal was diverted, but whispers still remain of a young lord who was too loose with his lips and the unfortunate state of House Qargyles lands.

Holdings of House Qargyle
The ruins of a tower, sometimes claimed to be the whispers, but its true name is lost to the annuals of history, sits on the top of the small hill over looking the sea. The lands are otherwise very flat, only a few small gathered farms make use of its lush grasslands. However as you follow the road to the coast you are met with and explosion of activity. Expansive wharves, small inns, and a thick fleet of ships bob on the waterfront as the sailors of House Qargyle's war fleet mix in with the common fishermen, hawking their wares to the passerby's. No true community has developed around the wharves, as many merchants infrequently stop there to bring the fish caught in the nets to the markets at Madienpool. During the morning light the population seems to disappear into the ships, leaving only a few women and children left to prepare the fish from yesterdays catch.

Over watching this small setting is a converted fieldstone lighthouse that was converted into a guard tower. Lovingly called the pimpled prick by the small folk, it has been instrumental in preventing the capture of the small folks fishing vessels by raising the alarm when warships from Essos would come to attack.

The family of House Qargyle spends much of their time in the townhouse in Madienpool, trusting in the pink walls of Madienpool to protect their lives, while trusting the warships, The Fly, The Forbidden Bravery, and The Grand Endeavor, and their garrison, the frank alarm, to protect the smallfolk and the fleets of fishing boats on their lands and waters. The townhouse from the outside looks peaceful, well maintained and clean. Clay bricks and thick, hardwooden logs make up most of the building's outer structure. The thick wooden door was inlayed with brass inlay, depecting the house Qargyles cyclical double mermaids, representing the closeness to the sea.

Whenever the call comes out and the Mootons raise their banners, then the Qargyles always respond. Their infantry, Snorting Warriors, known for their undisciplined ways and frequency of s guttural war cry, are the first to arrive, with the warships providing support from the sea. These units have a storied history, but unfortunately, since the days of Eugen Qargyle, the military disciple of the troops has severely been lessened.

House Coat of arms
The shield itself has 4 colors which are painted in a diagonal cross pattern. 2 mermaids serve as the emblem, or charge, and a small ribbon, partially wrapped around the supporters, carries the motto, which reads: "
In service of gods."
[size=150:2gneiyra] the Septon's family

[size=150:2gneiyra] Rudyard Qargle
Born a mere 20 years after Aegons conquest, and named after his father, Rudyard Qargle is now an ancient man. He has seen 3 targeon kings, and spoke with great fondness of King Jaehaerys the Conciliator, who he always bragged spent the night in their townhouse in maidenpool, weather that was the truth or not is up to debate, but as no one else is old enough to remember the time when Jaehaerys visited Maidenpool to dispute that claim, people generally just smile politely it his ancient memory.

Rudyard Qargle also speaks with great anger towards Maegor Targaryen, blaming him for the death of his beloved uncle during the suppression of the faith militant. Some of the servants even say that when Rudyard wakes in his bed his brow is slicked with sweat and he calls out for his deceased uncle, his vision clouded by the nightmare and arms reaching out to the darkness.

Rudyard Qargle used to be a competent warrior, but age has stolen the young mans valor and strength of arms

[size=150:2gneiyra]Aeson Qargle
Septon Arlyn's older brother had always been a cunning man. Even as a child Aeson Qargle would frequently have his younger brothers, Fiorenzo and Arlyn Qargle, perform the mischief that Aeson had thought up. This tactic of Aeson's would thereby avoid any pitfalls of actually having to pay for the crimes he had his brothers commit on his behalf.

He was often known as a trickster among the household, one of his greatest and most tragic tricks when Aeson was a adolescent he cut halfway through all of the horses ties in the stables. This was so that when the horses whenever startled and pull against the ropes they break their bindings causing them to run wildly around the townhouse grounds. To complete this trick he dressed in a white sheet and grabbed a torch. Then while the House was sleeping he ran up and down the stable, making scary noises and waving his flaming brand around, this caused all the horses to escape and of his fathers destrier to permanently maim his brother. This caused his father to be very wroth, and his mother died of heartsickness whenever his middle brother didn't wake up for 3 days and begun to stink. Aeson named a servant boy as the person responsible for the trick, and his father had the servant boy flogged then sent to the wall. This caused Aeson to feel very guilty, but he never confessed the action to anyone.

Despite Aeson's tricks and such he was never truly malicious until after being introduced to some of seedier elements in Maidenpool. Before his brother left Aeson Qargle was able to keep the influence of these organizations on himself under control. But after the his brother Arlyn left to go join the faith then Aeson proceeded to get more deeply involved with the shadowy elements of maidenpool. As part of this involvement in the town of Maidenpool was eventually found out that he had been frequenting a local pleasure house. This caused a scandal that arose from the lack of propriety of an heir to house Qargle. House Mooton severely chastised there bannermen and Lord Mooton told Aeson's father, Rudyard Qargle, to get his son under control. After this incident Aeson Qargle keeps to his own counsel and the only infrequently has interactions with his father, who disapproves of him, and his brother, who is a simpleton. He bears deep hatred to those who exposed him and his activities and it is constantly seeking to get revenge on them, or to disrupt their business. He also feels that he was treated unfairly by the Mooton's and seeks minor ways to undermine their authority, without being all out rebellious.

Physical appearance
reedy with a pinched nose and bland face, the heir to house Qaugle is lithe where his youngest brother is fat and forgettable where his middle brother sticks out in a crowd.

[size=150:2gneiyra]Fiorenzo Qargle
Septon Arlyns Middle brothers name was Fiorenzo Qargle was a kind hearted soul. He took well to his training under the households retainers but lacking proper tutelage of a master at arms his fighting skills did not develop as fully as far as they could have, for he had a natural talent in such things. However Firoenzo was a massive boy, clearly showing his blood of the first Qargle, Eugen, but despite his large size he was always very gentle and loving to animals. He frequently would I found out in his father's stables brushing out the horses with a curry comb or picking out there hoves making sure that the horses were being well taken care of. Freqently he would also train squrrels to ride on his shoulders, giving them acorns or hazelnuts that he would sneak from his fathers kitchen.

This all changed in a single day during one of his eldest brothers pranks. Fiorenzo woke from a dead sleep and heard the terrified screams of the horses, so he ran outside to investigate what was happening. Seeing the horses running wildly around the townhouse courtyard Fiorenzo sprang into action to gather up the horses. Fiorenzo saw his fathers massive, war trained, destrier, charging for the open gate. Fiorenzo, worried that the horse would run amock and hurt some innocents if it escaped, rushed to head off the horse. Fiorenzo only barely reached the gate in time, imposing his large body between the horse and its freedom. This caused the destrier to rear up on its back legs and struike out at the middle brother. The Fiorenzo was knocked unconscious, not stirring for three days.

During this time Lady Qargle grew sick with worry. She was an old women already and seeing her favorite child lying in bed, beginging to stink, brought her heart to a stop. She called for Maesters, medicine men, and woods witches to try and save her son, but by the time the Mootons Maester had arrived Lady Qargle had already passed. The Maester was able to rouse the boy, using a combination of vapors and other foul ingredients. However upon awaking Fiorenzo would never be the same, his temperament was changed. He was no longer a kind and gentle person but moody, he would fly into fits of rage then begin to shake uncontrollably. The small folk grew concerned, whispers would say that it was Fiorenzo being cursed for his family's history. Many were afraid to speak with him after the incident as he seemed to have his ability to think clearly impaired. He would always complain of headaches that would never truly go away. Being unable to afford a proper Maester take care of Fiorenzo, Rudyard Qargle begged the Mootons to let Fiorenzo serve as a page for a while, hopping that Rudyard's son Fiorenzo could be cured after his injuries were evaluated by The Mooton's Maester. There Maester discovered a concoction that would control Fiorenzo's temper and reduce his shakes consisted of milk of the poppy. The Maester also suggested leeching as a form of controlling his symptoms. The middle brother has developed an addiction to the Milk of the Poppy as Fiorenzo feels that is the only thing that lets him feel normal

Appearance: Septon Arlyn is a man of a jovial size, large enough to be fat but not so much as to be obese. He has kept himself active in tending to his flock, ministering of their ailments and supporting families whom have fallen on hard times. He has dark brown hair as a lad but now it is greying and retreating from his head. He has a chubbish face with a round nose and cheeks that tend to blush when he drinks. He has a quiet calm authority about him that has saved him from many a fight.

Connections: He has a tense connection with Lord Dulver over the people that love septon arlyn but fear him. He has spent some time in kings landing but did not find it much to his liking, however he has learned to be cautious of gifts, because not all is as it would appear. He has a good connection with Ser Walton Dulver and tries to keep him out of trouble, taking on a fatherly role to him. He has connections to the smallfolk of the regions he traveled as a begging brother and feels a kinship towards them. Septon Arlyn is a great appreciator of the arts and finds artists grand to spend time with.

On this trip to the tournament Septon Arlyn has taken it upon himself to try and build an orphanage for the children of the men that die in the mines. His hope is to improve the lot of the peasants under the lords service and lord Dulver, Being a wise man and sensing a business opportunity, has decided to allow him access to develop trade relations with the various lords of the tournament.

Having success in the tournament in developing some connections with the merchants there Septon Arlyn was able to speak to Jason Lannister and Petyr Mallister, convincing both to help donate to the orphanage. He also was able to secure funding for his orphanage from Ser Jon, the famous knight from house baratheld, before his untimely death in the melee from the mystery knight. He also brokered a deal with the longshores to provide men for the moutian clans campaign leading to a misunderstanding in the terms of the contract and a renegotiation under the eyes of Lady Corinne Marsten.

During the trial of Ser Benjen Frey, the Septon spoke veraciously in defense of the small folk women, Brenda. In the speech he called for the same punishment to be used on the knight as what is used on the small folk, fighting for equality under the law. His words were spoken with such conviction that many nobles joined in his cries for justice, possibly causing the knight to prove his innocence with his sword, and failing.

Due to the commotion he caused Lord forest Frey drew a dislike of the Septon.

When Ser Benjen attempted an escape from the knights watch and began raiding the Dulver's lands, Septon Arlyn rallied the small folk and helped prevent possible damage done by the knight. After both Ser Benjen and his lieutenant were killed, the Septon spoke to the remaining raiders, convincing the majority of them to lay down arms and throw themselves into the mercy of Ser Walton Dulver.

Kings Justice day 1
During the first day of the kings justice, after investigating the Sept, Septon Arlyn and Luecian were set upon by a gang of bandits, the bandits were defeated after some heroics by the Archer, Septon Arlyn felt indebted to the young man, and spent slightly less time scolding him on his gambling habits then he might have otherwise.

Kings Justice day 3
During the [url=upheaval][/url]the Septon used his words to calm the refugees of black buckle as well treat some of their injured.

Kings Justice day 4
Septon Arlyn had an[url=encouter][/url] with the seven and then went on to provide assistance to those immediately attacked in the [url=green door inn attack][/url], using his skills as a healer to help triage those who could be saved. Later he [url=traveled][/url]with Lord Benedict Marsten, Ser Kevan Lyras, and Luecian Longbow to where the rebels dwelled and helped prevent a secondary explosion. The Septon was so inspired by the cooperation and different houses working together that he wrote a [url=song][/url]about the experience

Kings Justice day 5
Received a [url=gift][/url] from Ser Kevan, and feels very appreciative of the knights concern for his safety.

The Septon had an [url=argument][/url]about how to punish those guilty with Nathaniel Manson, causing a small rift to form between them as the Septon attempted to pass the judgment off onto Edmund.

on the travel back to the campsites under the kings banner the Septon had [url=discovered][/url]some bandits who raided the green door inn and had been keeping some women hostages. Septon Arlyn fought for a while and was sevenly injured, he traded the goods to the footpads in exchange for leaving the women, invoking the kings name. The bandit leader was furious and continued to attack the Septon, after a while the Septon finally put down the bandit leader and lead the women to safety.

An injured Septon [url=spoke][/url]of finding peace to the old gods worshiping blackwoods, almost causing a disturbance, yet even through injury he managed to find the correct words and prevent any slights against the old gods or the new

Presented the [url=findings][/url]of House Dulver to Lord Jasper Wylde, also known as the Ironrod

Kings Justice day 6
Septon Arlyn received a [url=confession][/url]from Tyron Blackwood about his involvement in his various crimes. Even though the Septon was reassured by the others who were there that Tyron acted on his own accord, the Septon still feels that there was something about Ser Tyrons account that was missing. The Septon thought it might have to do with the late Lord Blackwood though so rather then attempting to reopen old wounds he let the matter rest.

Septon Arlyn had a [url=http://dragonsdance.forumatic.com/viewtopic.php?f=187&
t=2335ʺ]hunting party[/url] with The Marstens, based off of some rumours about Lord Marsten finding something in the cave. After Lady Marsten and Luecian Longbow killed the bear easily Septon Alryn approached Lady Marsten and help Terren Dulver present the Idea of fostering out Lord Benjen Blackwood. The reception did not go so well and Septon Arlyn grew concerned that finding peace was merely talk. He attempted to convey his concern to Lord Marsten but was unsuccessful in conveying his meaning.

Kings Justice Day 7
[url=Spoke with Ser Wyl][/url] and found out who the guilty party was in the first penny tree attack.

[url=Spoke with Lord Bracken][/url] and convinced him to partake in seven labors, as well as agreeing to a non aggression treaty with the blackwoods for seven years. Lord Bracken also spoke well of Luecian and was convinced to have Luecian lead a hunt.

Septon Arlyn participated in the treaty deliberations and proposed [url=Exile for Ser Tyron Blackwood][/url] which was eventally accepted by the other treaty participants. Also spoke out against adding [url=dorne][/url] to the treaty but was unsuccessful in convincing the others
Septon Arlyn, pleased that the events of the week were over, as well as happy about Ser Tymon unseating a well respected Blackwood knight in a single pass, spoke with the proprietor of [url=The Naked hair][/url] and convinced her to set up and help run some [url=games][/url]for the smallfolk and those nobles who wished to participate. Those who attended had a rollicking good time and great [url=conversations][/url]were had.

After the party was over Septon Arlyn then went to the [url=Bartheld Pavilions][/url] to review the maps that Lord Bartheld had acquired. Although not much new information was acquired he was able to confirm what Lord Bartheld said was the truth to Ser Walton Dulver before retiring to his tent.

The next morning the Septon was awoken and set out to find out if the bandits traveled to [url=Madienpool][/url], Leaving the letter for Ser Theomore in Ser Waltons care to be read at the [url=trials of riverrun][/url]

Last edited by 167 on Sat Feb 27, 2016 6:26 pm; edited 4 times in total
Septon Arlyn
Septon Arlyn

Posts : 2410
Join date : 2015-05-22
Age : 34
Location : Salem, Oregon, USA

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Cast of Player Characters - Page 2 Empty Re: Cast of Player Characters

Post by Aeron Sand Tue May 26, 2015 7:26 pm

Aeron Sand

Aeron was born out of wedlock to the late Prince Darron Nymeros Martell, older than his brother the ruling Prince Qoren Nymeros Martell by one year only. He was not baseborn, his mother being a Lady from House Blackmont.

Aeron enjoyed a life of little hardship throughout his youth. He lived shifting between Sunspear and the Water Gardens with his father's family, and was treated to the best food, clothes, company and education the Martells could afford him. He learned under a maester at Sunspear, and trained with the best warriors in Dorne, becoming skilled with both quill and spear. He also developed an astounding capability for finance, and as he came of age more and more of his house's resources were entrusted to him, with which he managed to create small fortunes.

He put his martial prowess to use in the War for the Stepstones once Dorne entered the fray, and allegedly felled many of the Targaryen's men in the battles he participated. Alas, he was severely wounded in one of the latter conflicts, and it was long before his unconscious body was retrieved from the battlefield. The wounds had infested by the time he was brought to a maester.

Waking up only days later, Aeron discovered he could barely raise his arms, bandages held broken bones in place around, and his right leg, while still whole, was useless. He grieved for his fate for a fortnight, and months would pass before he could again walk - forever with a wooden cane. He would never fight again.

After time and patience had healed his wounds, both physical and mental, he turned to the only thing he had that was still whole: his mind. Aeron dove into finances head-on, and his savviness in business was so sharp he quickly began to procure new markets. He bought food and metals, sold wine and silk and gems. With his assistance, House Martell thrived even more than under the rule of his father.

Recently, he entertained the idea of spending a season or two to the north. A tourney at Riverrun attracted his attention, and through the aid of a business acquaintance, Dunstan Tullison, whom he'd been buying iron from for some months and had personally met a couple times, he joined an entourage and attended the event.

Connections: Aeron is a dornishman, and a bastard, so he'd likely earn some sidelong glances from quite a few people. From what I've seen, PCs around here seem unlikely accepting of everything and everyone, but it'd be interesting to see this prejudice played out, if anyone is willing. If not, that's alright too - I won't complain about being treated well!

He's staying with the Tullisons, though he's been absent for the first few days of the tourney, only ocasionally appearing at night to rest or the like. Most people outside of the Tullison household wouldn't know him. He's got some cash, and could be the place to go if someone needs some out-of-sight money. Lastly, he supports the blacks, as would be due of a dornishman with any interest in 'northern' politics, and would be willing to aid with any scenarios involving this.

Aeron Sand

Posts : 9
Join date : 2015-05-21

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Cast of Player Characters - Page 2 Empty Re: Cast of Player Characters

Post by Kevan Lyras Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:03 am

Ser Kevan Lyras
Sworn Sword in the Marsten household

Growing up as the second son of Lord Robbin Lyras, Kevan has been familiar with the members of House Marsten from early on. He served as page at Hartshorn before squiring for a bannerman House of Tully in Riverrun, an opportunity he had because old Lord Marsten put his connections at work to help out one of his few remaining bannermen.
Kevan realized early on that a man in his standing is responsible for his own future and has to earn his way in life, because he cannot depend on the protecting arms of his House / family. He worked hard during his squiring years and was determined to learn as much as he could from his patron, be it in fighting skills or courteous manners. He managed to learn the use of a lance as well as the sword but despite his efforts he never managed to control a crossbow. He also learned from his tutor that the mind is as important to knight as his skills at arms and that a smart knight may defeat his enemy even before it comes to a fight.
After Kevan attained his knighthood, he returned to House Marsten, where he has served ever since. He supported the house’s troops in their battles with the clansmen as well as in the short scrimmages with House Blackwood and accompanied Marsten parties to political events. He is a loyal vassal to House Marsten and strongly believes that the only way to a brighter future for himself is to support the Marsten family in their current struggles and at the same time prove his worth to his liege lady.
Kevan is a tall, brawny man in his mid-twenties with brown eyes and black hair. He has a beard which, combined with his tall build, make him looks menacing at times. Despite this, he actually is an approachable person, who is quick to make friends.

The life of Ser Kevan Lyras

113/3: Became a squire for Ser Marlon Raft, a Sworn Sword of House Tully
113/7: Participated in the great campaign against the bandit leader Rom Strongspear and his men in the Riverlands
119/5: Knighted by Alayne Tarly at Faircastle after an Ironborn attack on the wedding party

Sworn Sword
124/10: Melee team leader and runner-up in the Joust of the great Tourney at Riverrun
124/10: He was one of Marei's Seven who defeated Ser Lionel Darry and his men of the Faith Militant
124/11: Married Sofia Blackwood, daughter of Lord Byron Blackwood
124/11: Named the 'Keeper of the Gates' by Lady Corrine Marsten

Keeper of the Gates
124/12: Won a duel against Ser Hyle Corbray during his recruiting efforts in the Vale
125/4: Led an alliance of Houses to victory against mountain clan forces in the 'Battle below Bull's Peak'
125/7: Birth of son Robbin Lyras
125/10: Led Marsten forces against the bandits of Roryk the Ruthless during the royal investigations to capture the bandit leader
125/10: Defeated Ser Colyn Manderly in a duel on horseback at Raventree Hall
125/10: Beheaded Ser Steffon Vance, responsible for the death of Lord Blackwood in a trial by combat

Last edited by 157 on Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

Kevan Lyras

Posts : 1838
Join date : 2015-04-30

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Cast of Player Characters - Page 2 Empty Re: Cast of Player Characters

Post by Baelon Drakeson Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:02 am

Noticed that we have a couple of new users, and Reader mentioned recruiting for the next story arc, so I updated the first post. It is now accurate to the best of my information. Please notify me if I have missed someone.
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Post by Ser Walton Dulver Sat Oct 10, 2015 5:33 pm

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Name: [size=150:19odslca]Ser Walton Dulver
[size=85:19odslca]Son of Lord Harald Dulver, Heir to House Dulver

Age: 18

Background: Walton Dulver is first born son of Lord Harald Dulver and Lady Falyse. Beloved by family, sworn men, House's servants and smallfolk since he born, grew up in this spirit. Was always faster to sword than books, what made him more knight than lord, what causes some concerns about House Dulver's future- house, which is house of bargain and trade. But in the other hand, he is also big hope of his family. In past Dulvers were minor and poor family, what has changed during last 2 generations of lords thanks to great stewardship skills of House's heads. It is improving, but in way which family is more related to non-lordly merchants than proud lords of Seven Kingdoms. And Walton Dulver is skilled knight with hunger for glory and fame.

The tasks of stewardship have never come easy to Walton, either. Despite his father’s relentless drilling, Walton is only a middling manager at best. Dutiful and devoted as a son and heir should be, Walton has done his best to learn the lessons his father has worked so hard to teach, but Walton was made for the yard rather than the hall.

If Walton was indifferent in his lessons on lordship he was anything but when it came to learning the ways of arms and warfare. Under the tutelage of his great uncle, the bastard Gambol Hill, Walton excelled with sword and shield and soon proved himself as a match for any man in the castle. Ser Walton was training hard to become mighty warrior, but also devoted many hours into art of war, where old Garred Mountfort was teaching him everything he knows.

And that way of how young heir was raised, caused some differences in way how House should be lead in opinions of Ser Walton and his father Lord Harald. While House has enriched in times of Harald’s leadership, his son is convinced that they should now build military strength on that solid foundation. But Walton also always respected hierarchy and was loyal to Harald’s decisions- he was raised to be always loyal to his House before anything else.

Since his early days, Walton was and ubiquitous urchin, what let him made friends everywhere. Of course that was always meeting some disapproval of Lord Harald, but he was always looking through his fingers on antics of his son. On his twelfth nameday, Walton was made squire to Lord Harald’s younger brother, Ser Horas Dulver. He was already standing out of others with his physicality those days. For four years he served until in his sixteenth year a party of ironmen came raiding along the shore where Dulver lands abutted those of their northern neighbor, Lord Faltyse. Ser Horas and a troop of men from the garrison went down to meet the raiders and drive them off, but Ser Horas took an arrow and the arrow took his life. As he lay dying, young Walton stood over him and rallied the Dulver men. They were too few to drive the ironmen off, but they held long enough for Lord Faltyse to come to their aid. Together, Faltyse’s men and Dulver’s threw the ironmen back into the sea and there on the battlefield, Lord Faltyse, himself an anointed knight, gave Walton his knighthood.

Description: Young man, 6 feet and 9 inches tall, strong and wide in shoulders, what gives him weight of nearly 19 stones. His straight long hair is always loose, only to battle handled by small leather band in color of copper on his foreahed. Even his eyebrows are light above his light blue/grey eyes- eyes with rakish glimmers in them. Often wearing smile on his shaved face, spends most of days on training grounds practicing with master-at-arms and garrison. After dusk he also prefers company of his Lord Father's soldiers. Spending nights in tavern, loudly and carefree worked in both ways- they love him, and on other side, he understands them as simple soldiers and as men.

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Name: [size=150:19odslca]Ser Garred Mountfort
[size=85:19odslca]Captain of Stony Heath Guard

Shield of Mountfort

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Age: 43

Background: Son of Ser Ilyn Mountfort and Marissa, both derived from folk. Ilyn served in Dulvers’ Turnips and thanks to his courage and devotion, has risen through ranks and as a Captain anointed to be a knight after one of battles, in which Dulvers stood on call of Lannisters. With that day life of young Garred has changed drastically. His family had already place in Stony Heath before, as Ilyn was Captain of Guard, but with the change Garred was much more welcome to appear in Lord’s chambers more often, playing among Lord’s children, due to new status their father had. Dulvers didn’t have much splendor in their history, so knight in the Lord’s Hall was always nice addition and was giving a little more renown.

Despite his family’s status, Garred was always son of skilled fighter and commander, and he was rised to become one, too. He was splitting his time between training his mind and practicing with sword. When he was twelve, he became a squire of not much older Ser Horas Dulver, younger brother of new Lord, Harald. Ser Horas was completely different man, who was seeking an adventure instead of gathering wealth. Too adventureous, if You would ask Garred. Skilled commander already in those days, didn’t quite agree with Horas way of charging into the biggest din. Garred was much more calmer and moderate in battle.

Garred was anointed when he was 19, during one of small lords war. Dulvers gained little land and Garred Mountfort gained knighthood. From that moment they were standing with Horas shoulder to shoulder, and despite their character differences they were connected by strong friendship. It didn’t last long, as 5 years later, when Ironmen raided Dulvers’ lands. During one of battles, in first line of cavalry charge, his horse was slain and overwhelmed one of Garred’s legs. Opened fracture was dangerous to his life, but after long struggle, not only he survived, but also Maester managed to save his leg. But it turned out to never be healthy again and limping until Seven will take him. That injury would be the end of any warrior’s career, but luckily Ser Garred had other talents. He kept the service as Stony Heath Guard’s Commander, as there was no man, who could be more respected than experienced Garred Mountfort, who was living among simple soldiers, training with them and cheer with them, and suffer with them. But the obvious was, that now he had to change his lifestyle a little, so instead of sword, he was spending more times with books. Most of time he was still seen on training grounds, where he was passing his knowledge to soldiers, but now also was founding more time to appear in Lord’s Chambers. While everybody were skeptical about Garred’s advice first, with time even Lord Harald started to respect his words. Commander of Guard turned out to be intelligent and skilled orator over the years.

This brought Lord Harald to Ser Garred, when it was turning out that heir of House Dulver- Ser Walton is hard to be taught to be a Lord. Lord Harald assumed, and how time has shown assumed well, Ser Walton was much more receptive to words of skilled War Commander. Garred, who was loyal servant, and also friend of Ser Horas Dulver, whose squire the boy was, gladly took the job. And he is still holding it.

Description: Middle height man of 5’9” and almost 14 stones of weight, doesn’t really stand out of the crowd, at least until he remains silent. He doesn’t say much, always watching attentively around. But also he doesn’t have to raise his rugged voice to make everybody listen, when he has something to say. Proud, always with his head high, but also loyal and trusted. It’s hard to say where his long brown hair ends, and where his beard starts. Despite of grey hair which could be found on his head, and also limbing walk, Ser Garred remained vital, thanks to all time spent among the soldiers. He was never the man fancy to silk and ogle in front of mirror, so no one can recall him in something other than his old, worn leather armour.
Ser Walton Dulver
Ser Walton Dulver

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Post by Luecian LongBow Sun Oct 11, 2015 3:32 am

Name: [size=150:zdprxigs]Luecian "

Retainer for House Dulver

Age: 18

Born the son of a House Dulver Longbowman and a house servant. Luecian's paternal ancestors boast acclaimed archers going back 7-8 generations and it's a family tradition that each archer in the family is granted a nickname with the word "
once they come of age and prove their skill. His father,Raymun "
, is an accomplished soldier and archer, currently second in command of House Dulver's Longbowmen. He has a great-uncle who was an infamous archer outlaw, Markus "
(now deceased). Many other relatives have been known to the world with a variety of similar nicknames over the years including "
, and "
(a particularly faithful ancestor).

Unsurprisingly Luecian has grownup with a bow in hand from his early childhood and began training in earnest to master the longbow since age 10. He's spent the majority of his life mastering the weapon and it's one of his passions. Somewhere along the way he picked up the habit of naming his bows after women and continues to do so today to much amusement from others. He's had his current longbow, Lyanna, for the past 2 years and he's quite fond of her.

Luecian developed another passion for hunting as a young man and it's that calling that he prefers over the strict discipline and daily structure of a soldier's life. His father realized early on that he had an independent and slightly rebellious streak that interfered with his potential as a soldier. Luecian realized that while he loves archery, he doesn't love being told constantly what to do or waking up at the crack of dawn to run or drill. He began to assist the former elderly master of hunts and serve as an alternate or backup archer for House Dulver. The master of hunts died in the past year and Luecian has taken up his full duties. Lord Dulver however has not seen fit to officially present him the position so far.

Never having much formal education and thus lacking the ability to read, Luecian has developed a mistrust of books and letters. This was compounded when a few members of House Dulver played a trick on him a few years back when he asked them to read the contents of a letter he'd received. The result ended in much embarrassment to Luecian and he's harbored suspicion of letters ever since. He only trusts Lady Dulver to read them for him but would only bother her for what he considered very serious matters. Any written correspondence he might receive(which admittedly is pretty low) sits for a few weeks unopened in his room before he eventually tosses the parchment into the downstairs hearth.

Luecian has a sort of charm he deems simple rustic huntsman charm and loves to play it up to those he meets. In his estimation, it gives him the advantage if people underestimate him as only a simple hunter. The very observant might notice there often seems to be more going on behind his eyes than a simple rustic hunter would likely project. In some ways this has backfired on him as Lord Dulver and much of the House Dulver leadership currently underestimate him as well.

Luecian enjoys a good drink or eight so you could find him drinking in a tavern until early morning. You could also find him up early hunting in the mountains or hills that occupy House Dulver lands(with many wondering if he slept at all that night...). You could also find him stimulating the local economy at any seedy gambling den or brothel he could possibly stumble upon. If you've been in Dulver lands, its possible you ran into him. He's also made a few trips to Fairmarket and Riverton over the years, so it's less likely but possible you could have met him there as well.

Luecian is long and lean with short dark brown hair and green-grey eyes. He has a noticeable scar from a recent hunting mishap down the right side of his face.

House Connections:
With only a few children of like ages in Deepen Hall, Luecian became a childhood companion of Lord Dulver’s heir, Walton. Lord Dulver disapproved of his heir running around with a servant’s get so he soon busied his eldest son with the duties of a young heir and then a squire. Luecian soon followed in his father footsteps to become a Longbowman and an accomplished hunter. Naturally distance grew between the 2 childhood friends as their paths took them in different directions and the gap in their relative stations became clearer and more pronounced. While it seems the men will never be as close as the boys, mutual respect and fondness still exists between the young heir and the young archer/huntsman.

Luecian commonly donates a small portion of his hunting take(meat/some hides) to Septon Arlyn for the holy man to then distribute to those in need. Septon Arlyn for his part considers him a "
Young man with a good heart but bad habits..."
and he occasionally tries to convince Luecian to curb some of them.

Lady Dulver has been kind to Luecian since his childhood and as such he holds her in the highest esteem. His mother died in his youth and he has viewed her as something of a surrogate motherly figure ever since. She is one of the few people in Deepen Hall that he absolutely trusts.

Last edited by 183 on Fri Oct 16, 2015 1:41 am; edited 1 time in total
Luecian LongBow
Luecian LongBow

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Post by Jamys Rivers Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:19 am

Name: Jamys Rivers
Age: 21
Nephew of Lord Ambrose Kytley, bastard son of the late Lord Jamys Kytley

Background: Born one of Jamys the Sybarite's many bastards, and "
with his father's first name, Jamys Rivers was packed off at the age of 12 to the Citadel, following a somewhat privileged, if chaotic, childhood. A keen student, Jamys seemed destined to shed his bastard name and become a capable Maester, but for reasons not widely known he ceased his studies and wandered Westeros in the company of folk of varying degrees of reputability. After a brief stint studying with Septons, he returned to Hammerstone, seat of Kytley power, to petition his Uncle Ambrose for a place at his side. His motivation is reportedly that of redemption;
he is said to feel keenly the stain his noble father brought on the Kytley name, and his father's role in the House's decline, and wishes to absolve himself by helping to bring House Kytley back to prominence.

[Picture and further details forthcoming]

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Post by Yve Tullison Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:14 pm

Lady Yve Tullison

Lady Yve is proof that beauty can be found even among the rocky heights of the Tullison holdings. Described as the flower of her House by more than one traveling singer, Yve has the blossoming figure of a woman of ten-and-five years and long, flowing raven tresses. The same wide blue eyes that give her brother the look of innocence instead serve to increase the magnitude of her beauty. Courted by men of both high and low station since her flowering, Yve has grown accustomed to –even slightly cynical about– the attention she receives. The combination of Yve’s comeliness, charm and the wealth of her House make her a prize, even as the daughter of a minor House. The fact that her brother remains unwedonly adds to her appeal as it give suitors some hope that they might inherit rule if something unfortunate were to happen to Lord Dunstan. That is, as they say, the rub.
Unlike her brother, Yve is as cunning and self-possessed as she is attractive. Taught intrigue at her mother’s elbow, Yve’s age belies her capability. She is only too aware of the fact that most of her suitors envision themselves sitting on the stone throne of House Tullison. So she uses her beauty as a weapon and her charm as a shield, flirting and blushing her way through attempts to ensnare her in marriage. The dance of intentions she performs is sad in a way. Like every girl, Yve dreams of true love and marital bliss, yet she willingly puts her duty to her House and her love for her brother before her own desires. Yve hopes to find Dunstan a good wife that will care for him, and gently guide him through the quagmires of morality that he seems ill-equipped to recognize on his own. Only then will she give thought to her own happiness.
Adding to her reluctance to marry is the quality of the suitors that have, so far, come before her. If Yve were to find a man she was capable of respecting, she might rethink her position. Among the suitors that House Tullison is currently entertaining are Lord Brom Bartheld (a long-winded bore that is far too old for her), Lord Gawen Glover, and whichever Frey happens to be present (Lord Forrest Frey pursues possible marriages between members of his brood and both brother and sister).
Yve typically refers (in private) to the men that come seeking her hand as “snakes,” which, given her fear of actual snakes, speaks volumes about her current attitude towards marriage to any one of them. Since her mother, the Lady Moraine, became ill, Yve has grown to rely more and more on Maester Haelis for advice and direction, and, increasingly, as a trusted friend she can confide in.

Yve Tullison

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Post by Samurel Manderly Sun Nov 08, 2015 5:28 pm

Samurel Manderly

Samurel Manderly comes from an offshoot branch of House Manderly of the North.

The second son of his father Lord Orman Manderly, Samurel has a conflicted history with his family, not borne of enmity or hatred, but confusion and differences From a young age Samurel found his time spent in the various courts of the North to be fleeting, the Northern Lords with their air of gravity often made any talk quickly devolve into one of pure strength with the stronger winning out. The aspects of this culture of warriors and some would say brutes is based in the religious origins of the land he calls home. Religion, particularly the ones of the seven, has always been looked down upon by Samurel, a fact he hid all too well. The Old Gods were not much better, seeing in them a strict and brutal lineage of warfare and strength that Samurel would rather not be too close to. This too he hid, especially from his father's eye. Samurel saw the difference between the two as minuscule and irrelevant, and would sooner use the naivety of those who hold fast to such traditions as a means of leverage rather then submit himself to their beliefs. this belief and attitude towards religion, particularly of The Old Gods has left wounds in his family's heart, a family whose ties to both the North and the Traditions of the first men, and the south with the traditions of the Andals. No where is this more present then in Samurel's father, who is more often then not, torn between the two, and saw his son's ignorance of the two as a mark against his own indecision.

This "
way of life"
did not suit Samurel Manderly, who had not been born particularly strong nor had any strong inclination of open combat. What skills in combat he did learn pertained to survival, the wielding of a quick knife and the knowledge of where to aim, beyond that he shunned the combative arts.

Turning 16, Samurel Manderly was sent, by his request, to King's Landing to "
represent his family, in truth he sought the courts and the talks known to permeate the city. There he became quick friends with the members of House Marsten. Why they chose Samurel, he has never known, as it were, Samurel found tutelage in the courts of King's landing from House Marsten.

After one years time, as he was returning home from King's Landing, the Marstens decided to take him in under their wing, seeing the North as no place for someone with the talent of courts that Samurel had. The years spent under their arms made Samurel proud of his new found allies, and the skills he learned in The Vale grew too, becoming a smooth talker and a councilor in the courts and behind the courts of the region. Seeing first hand the capable skills of a female leader, Samurel found he had no strong dislike of a female ruler, very often in fact did Samurel see that a female had more sway, more pull, and more skill in the battlefield of the court then a man of equal standing. A ruler should be strong, his heritage and his upbringing had taught him this, but the courts have taught him that there is no great difference between the strength of battle and the strength of court.

Samurel now a man of 21 has set his eyes on helping his friends in passing through this succession crisis, with his hand he will not see House Marsten fall, the only complication comes if and when his family calls on him in this very same crisis. A conflict just like any other, warfare and combat doesn't suit Samurel much, he'd seen his father order groups of men around in formation, and practicing fighting together, but much of this was lost on Samurel, who only saw the futility of warfare when one is directly in it. Not great at this concept of warfare either, Samurel has paid little attention to the details of the fighting, focusing more on the details of the courts of those two families. While the fighting might, MIGHT, end in the field, it has it's start and it's more likely end, in the courts.

Appearance: Short black hair, with sharp facial features which soften the closer they get to his mouth. Grey-Green eyes, with a very clean, bright complexion. Middling height, and average build for a Northerner, Not much in terms of raw muscle but with a fair bit of tone.

Samurel Manderly

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Post by Ser Raynald Dulver Mon Nov 09, 2015 4:19 pm

[size=150:27t7dk8x]RAYNALD DULVER
called RED RAYNALD by himself and MAD RAYNALD by everyone else

Affiliation: House Dulver
Title: Ser
Age: 47

Raynald is the troublesome brother of Lord Harald Dulver. Despised by everyone in his family, Raynald was difficult to relate even as a child. Blunt, violent and manipulative even in his infancy, Raynald was frequently raising problems around Stone Hearth. Even then he was nicknamed Mad Raynald for his changes of humor, as one day he could be the sweetest child in the castle only for the next to put fire on his bed, and his imaginative mind, always lying and telling stories about ghosts and gods that spoke to him. Spankings by his father, mother and even older brothers were constant, but achieved little to the boy, and in fact only helped him to improve his deceitful nature.

With time his tricks and plays changed to more violent behaviors, like murder and rape caused by drinking, which were carefully hidden by the lordling in his sobriety. That led to even bigger clashes with his father and his brother, until finally leaving the castle at seventeen years of old. Raynald travelled the Seven Kingdoms, serving other lords, taking part in tournaments and melees, and even selling his sword for gold. He was knighted by a priest, of that he is sure, but the story behind it is clouded and changed more than a hundred times, making hard for people to make track and believe it. From time to time he travelled back to his home to see his family bringing gifts for the children, but time didn't change him, and his stays never lasted more than a few weeks before he faced the roads again.

Now Raynald is a proven warrior, experienced, more mature. And he is back, followed by his soldiers, a band of indecent warriors called Whoresons. What he wants is a uncomfortable question.

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EDIT: Made a full list of my Whoresons, heh, hope you like:
-Shitmouth: Raynald's right hand is in truth called Dirk, and he is the most dangerous fighter in the cadre. He is good with sword, crossbow and daggers, but terrible with personal hygiene.
-Arseling: He's the youngest member of the Whoresons, whose name no one remembers and no one cares. He usually makes all the work for the boys.
-Black Polliver: a big and strong man of few words, he rarely speaks. He was a hired killer in Oldtown before joining Raynald's men.
-Pigface: He is fat, he is mean and he is ugly. He loves to bully everyone around him.
-Cockless Carl: He was a rapist, until some goldcloacks decided to cut his cock off to punish him back in King's Landing. Now he only enjoys watching the raping.
-Ser Pisspot: Also called Ser Pisswater, he is a hedge knight even more drunk than Raynald. When he is not completely inebriated he prefers to be called Ser Jon of the Wendwater.
-Old Orell: the oldest member of the party, prouds himself of still having a hard cock in his 60 years of age. He is a very good archer, and very skilled with small blades.
-Toothless: He is a nice young man who already had most of his teeth smashed against a mace. It was ten years ago, in a battle against Dornishmen.
-Paul the Kisser: His favorite sport is making people kiss his heavy warhammer.
-Florian the Flower: Florian Flowers is by far the most decent looking Whoreson, this bastard of House Merryweather is actually pretty. Saddly he is also wicked, specially towards little boys.
-The Wild Woodsman: A strong man, but not very bright, Brandon is the newest member of the band. As he still needs to be tested, the other boys all keep an eye on him and his huge axe.
Ser Raynald Dulver
Ser Raynald Dulver

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Post by Ereth Redwain Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:41 pm

Ereth Redwain
Lord Ereth Redwain, called the Scourge of the Stepstones, is a knight from House Frey and now lord of House Redwain sworn to House Frey.

Ser Ereth of House Frey. First born son of Ser Ronald Frey of the Crossing and Cassondria Nayland of Hag’s Mire. Served as a squire for Ser Ernam Charlton. Named the Scourge of the Stepstones in his 15th birthday when he fought with Ser Enam Charlton at the start of the War of the Stepstones by pursuing and killing his enemies to a man, always doing a through job of leaving none alive, unless ordered otherwise. Knighted in his 17th year by lord Enam Charlton. Defended Merryport Fortress from Tyroshi warships and troops, killing Gulyas Rahel during the battle. Commanded the siege of Garsley Keep and raised it to the ground slaying Fazekas Dezso a Lyseni commander with a scorpion, and left him impaled in the rocks that remained standing from Garsley Keep. Returned to House Frey in his 21st year defeating Ser Ronard Frey and imprisoned Karden Frey for theft, then defeated him once lord Forrest released him. Lord Forrest Frey sent him back to the Stepstones in his 22nd year and he is sent to defend and garrison keeps against Dornish troops. Defeated Faalih Sands the Bastard of Hellgate Hall during a siege of Summer Spire, also known as Heymnar’s Finger for the knight that conquered it against Lyseni troops which he despised. Fought under the command of “Red” Raynald a ruthless knight that put an entire hamlet of Ridgeford and it’s garrison to the sword. Returned to House Frey in his 26th and saved lord Forest Frey during a raid to fight bandits in Durain’s forest, by defending him with some soldiers of the Crossing that allowed him yo pull him to safety and retreat. Lord Forrest named Ser Ereth the Guardian of the Crossing in his 30th year for defending Frey lands from bandintry and saving his life. Marched to the aid of House Nayland to clean their lands of bandits and robber knights that were disrupting their trade. Improved relations between House Frey and it’s banner houses by assuring help and holding a great feast in their honor. Quarreling with “Furious” Frey over money unaccounted and price of his “adventures” and “fun”. Lord Forrest Frey in his 34th birthday in recognition for his service and loyalty to him grants Ser Ereth Frey the honor of giving him a small fief for him to manage and to build a home to rule as he sees fit. Lord Ereth Redwain, of Helmstead, founder of House Redwain, sworn to House Frey of the Riverlands. Lord Ereth Redwain courts Alya Longshore successfully and our now betrothed.
Ereth Redwain
Ereth Redwain

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Post by Ser Jergen Rohmner Sun Nov 15, 2015 11:55 pm

Early Background-
Being born to a Hedge Knight and his conquest bride, Jergen was the youngest of 5 kids, having an older sister and 3 older brothers. Growing up, Jergen was a bit of an oddity in his family. Despite being around the fighting mentality of his father Jergen didn't take to it like his brothers. Where they would run out and just fight each other Jergen would calmly sit and watch. Being the so called runt of the litter, Jergen was often the target for their weapons practice. Never being taught how to use any of the weapons, but constantly being beaten by them caused Jergen to develop a patience that only the 7 themselves could rival. All of that changed one fall morning during the daily training.
It started like normal...wearing his typical ratty leather armor and armed with nothing more than a battered wooden shield with a training sword Jergen took his place. It was during the first melee that his life would change. Maybe it was the years of ridicule, or the constant abuse either way something snapped from deep inside Jergen, Quickly taking the offensive Jergen beat down his brothers and disarmed each of them. "
So the pup can bite...very well let's see how you do against a wolf."
Jergen heard as his father approached. Doing and saying nothing else Jergen's father dropped a normal long sword at his feet. Picking it up and moving into a guard position Jergen started fighting what was perhaps his greatest fight. Only after fighting for what seemed like hours did Jergen realize that his father was defeated and bleeding on the ground. That moment changed everything for Jergen, walking back into his childhood home he packed up a few meager belongings and gathered his mother and sister. The three of them left without looking back.

Despite his childhood, Jergen quickly found himself walking the path of a wandering mercenary. Jergen quickly surpassed the knowledge he learned by watching his father and brothers. Knowing how to use a multitude of weapons kept him in a never ending need of his services. It was during a minor war between two houses that fate smiled on him...either that or the 7 have a sense of humor. Sitting around the fires with the mercenaries and regular soldiers Jergen was enjoying a friendly bout of drinking. As is typical when the alcohol is flowing an argument broke out. Each side kept saying the other wasn't capable of holding their own. It was then that fate played it's hand. The regular soldiers said to prove it by putting forth one of their own to accept their challenge. Naturally with Jergen being the best fighter his name was put forth. The wager was simple....simply put the only weapons he could use were the ones he found on the bodies of the enemy dead. A number of 6 was agreed to be the minimum number to be used in order to win the bet. The next day Jergen won the fight easily....by using 10. 
The lord who had hired Jergen was impressed with his bravery and skill. Not knowing of the wager the lord decided the only way to reward a fighter of such skill was to knight him. A couple days later Jergen was awarded his spurs.

Jergen has typically two personalities, one on the battlefield and one off of it. When he is not fighting Jergen is a patient and kind person. Remembering his childhood and in particular how he, his sister and his mother were treated has caused Jergen to develop a soft spot for a woman and children in need. Jergen cares not about the social class or the nature of their problems. Quite simply if they need help they will get it.
The second part of his personality comes out while he is on the battlefield. To put it simply Jergen sees this as a place he can let loose and not have a care in the world. Fighting without abandon and appearing like a crazy person Jergen only sees allies and enemies on the battlefield. If your an ally Jergen does everything he can to ensure you survive. If your seen as an enemy you are simply shown no mercy.

Jergen has been all over Westeros, fighting in battle after battle. Anyone who has a fighter or militaristic nature could easily fought beside Jergen in one of the many battles he has fought in. Alternatively they could have easily fought for the other side.
Others could have encountered Jergen while he was not fighting and instead helping those that needed it. Wether it was donating money to help build an orphanage or simply sitting down to a quit dinner at the local inn Jergen could honestly be encountered anywhere.
Jergen is looking to find that one he can share his life with so romantic opportunities are open as well. It can be a former lover, or someone interested now. I'm open to any possibility for roleplaying.

Jergen's thoughts on current events-

1) women inheriting and ruling...
To the winner goes the spoils...if the best person to rule is a woman and she can prove it then so be it. Hopefully she can hold on to the seat of power until she can seperate friend from foe.

2) religion...
More wars have been fought over religion than anything else. Jergen follows the 7, but is not a zealot about it.

3) war in the Riverlands...
Some serious coin could have been made there. I doubt the conglict will die down anytime soon.

Ser Jergen Rohmner

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Post by Marq Mooton Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:48 pm

Marq Mooton
Youngest son of Ser Manfryd Mooton and squire of Lord Dunstan Tullison

Tall and lithe, Marq has yet to fill his frame with the muscles of a man, platinum hair surrounding the sort of face that makes it hard to ever believe that this lad is anything but pure and innocent, blessed with the beauty of old Valyria through the blood of his mother and a winning smile having earned him his moniker, "
the smiling salmon"
strides forth towards the adventure.

Ser Manfryd described his youngest son as "
an agreeable boy and a quick study, though in need of some discipline"
when he was sent to Mountain's Reach as a squire. He did not exaggerate. Never quite like his brothers (who take after their father in both manners and appearance), he was always the one striking out on his own, curious at what might be found under rocks, learned to talk early, writing and numbers too. Maester Norren thought he had an aspiring maester at his hands, right up until Marq decided that maester's lessons were boring. A quick study, perhaps, but one who hated to spend much time on mastering the details when he felt he knew enough to use it. Some (greens) whisper that his doting mother, Haelena Velaryon (a niece of the seasnake) managed to keep Manfryd from sending Marq off to squire, his many pranks and jests certainly making that idea very very tempting, but that an incident involving his twin cousins*, made him inclined to quickly put forth Marq when Dunstan made his offer.

Of course, sending a perceptive boy with certain inclinations to squire at a castle who counts Ser Theomore Tullison among it's residents may well prove to be a less than fortuitous decision.

*Natural cousins, one must note, Lord Walys have no trueborn* children, his wife having having had three miscarriages, the last one has made her bedridden and declared barren by the maester. Lord Mooton has since been known to seek comfort by taking a mistress.

Connections: Marq is intended as a temporary stand-in, so no great work will be put into any sort of shared history outside a post about his most recent exploits on the Tullison forums. And the main purpose of the character is to deliver quips, one-liners and light-hearted japes, getting into trouble by his actions and rely on his charm to get out of it.

Marq Mooton

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Post by Tymon Lannister Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:18 pm

Ser Tymon was born of a lesser branch of House Lannister (of Lannisport). He always knew he would have to make his way with his own skill, despite his family name. He is tall, blue eyed, and has the trademark blonde hair that Lannister’s are known for. He is also arrogant, stemming from being young, handsome, and a member of a powerful House. He is driven to make a name for himself and to bring further glory to House Lannister.

He has long been a favorite of his Aunt, the Lady Falyse Dulver, who has always doted on Tymon. Tymon was fostered at Stoney Heath in his youth as a page. The Lady Falyse enjoyed having a Lannister at the Stoney Heath to remind her of her home and family, and to remind everyone else that she was born a Lannister, and still has ties to the powerful House that she came from. While a page at Stoney Heath he became friends with the heir of the Stoney Heath, Walton Dulver, and to some degree with Luecian, the archer. When it came time for him to squire his family made arrangements for him to squire for Ser Alayne Tarly, a knight of skill and fame. His family thought that Ser Alayne was worthy of having a Lannister squire for. Tymon has always excelled at martial pursuits and he earned his knighthood while helping Ser Alayne drive off a group of raider's from Dorne and has started to become known for his skill at arms.

Soon after being knighted, his parents and his Aunt and Uncle, the Lady Falyse Dulver and Lord Harald Dulver began negotiations to marry Tymon and Helen, the only daughter of House Dulver. Although Helen is 16 years of age and a couple of years from being ready for marriage, the families thought it best if Tymon were to return to Stoney Heath to spend time in the company of his future bride and teach her the ways of being a Lannister. Being back at Stoney Heath also provides a chance for him to prove his worth and win glory for House Lannister and House Dulver. Although everyone thinks Tymon and Helen are merely doing their duty to their families the young couple has spent time together and surprising them both, they found that they truly care for each other, enjoy spending time together, and are both happy with the match their parents made. The two have decided they want a relationship of both duty and love, unlike most of the arranged marriages that occur. Tymon truly desiring this type of relationship with his betrothed is something most people would struggle to believe of the arrogant and often flippant young Lannister knight.

Last edited by 201 on Fri Jan 01, 2016 3:03 pm; edited 6 times in total

Tymon Lannister

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Post by Terren Dulver Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:55 pm

Terren Dulver, third son of Lord Harald Dulver, 16 years old in 125AL

Appearance: A young man stands before you a friendly smile on his face and of quite attractive countenance, a strong jawline, blonde hair in a ponytail and serene green eyes. He is average of height and quite slender of stature.

General info: Terren has not really accomplished anything of note yet, the most well-known thing about him, is that during his youth he was often ill and therefore forced to remain inside. Although he at first rejected this fate, possessing an enormous desire for adventure. He later on realised the impossibility of those dreams, and went on to dedicate himself to his studies. This desire for adventure still manifests itself within his demeanour towards others, possessing a keen interest both in others as well as the world. Nowadays Terren primarily occupies himself with the dealings within the house, dedicating himself towards his simple duty.

Characteristics : He is driven by both duty towards, as well as genuine care for his family, with his only true goal being the success of his family, at his best he is devoted towards this cause, but at his worst he is scheming. He usually is humble and accepting of others and therefore is often well liked by them. He is very convincing and often acts as a mediator for tensions within his house. He is a skilled steward as well taking after his father. He thoroughly enjoys travelling and meeting people, but because of his health problems, he got really into reading books about foreign lands and people, with one of his personal dreams being able to go the free cities, and if possible, even further.

He personally supports the blacks, which puts him at odds with his father who is a supporter of the greens.

Terren Dulver is very practical when it comes to the subject of women ruling, he finds the dornish system superior to the Andal way, to him the most capable should rule, or at least the oldest child, regardless of gender.

On the subject of religion he is decently open-minded towards other religions. He believes that other religions should be allowed, but they should not be allowed to preach their religion or force their religion unto others. He believes in the seven, although his faith does tend to waver when in stressful situations.

Last edited by 199 on Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:10 pm; edited 2 times in total

Terren Dulver

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Post by Aleister Coldbrook Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:19 pm

Name: Aelister Coldbrook, Youngest Brother of Lord Coldbrook, age 24.

Appearance: Aelister is overly attractive and exotic for a northerner. He has strong first men features yet has deep tan skin and dark blond hair with light blue eyes. His face has a scar over his left eye that seems to only fill out his face. He is around 5'10"
tall with an athletic build.

General Information: Knowledge about Aelister's Westeros history is rare if there is any at all, people know he has just returned from a near 10 year trip in Essos living in Braavos. People know he holds himself in a different manner and wields two small thin blades that are strapped to his back.

Characteristics: Aelister is a huge flirt, and known to be rather uncouth due to his time away in Essos. However he is loyal to his brother and would fight for him no matter what got in his way. He is very accepting and understanding, he follows his brothers religion of the Old Gods and does not care what you believe nor try and push his religion upon you. While he enjoys his company of women he does not mistreat them, he respects the quality of woman and respects a strong woman in power over a weak man. However he enjoys a challenge and will try and make you prove your worth.

He could care less about the politics of Westeros, yet he follows his brothers judgement.

Aleister Coldbrook

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Post by Tristayne Tullison Tue Nov 01, 2016 10:19 pm

[size=150:2sa245mg]Tristayne Tullison, Much Younger Cousin to Theomore Tullison,

Trystayne would perhaps have been a footnote in the stories of greater men in the last few years, if any outside house Tullison knew him it would be for his father's reputation as an unscrupulous merchant and his Grandfather's reputation as an adulterer, until of course the tourney of 124. Even there his tale was distant and unheard by most, but if he was known it would have been as a piteous figure, a squire in the bloom of youth with his leg horribly maimed by an axe blow.

Trystane, from the head down, would be attractive if he did not lack a leg, and if his face did not scowl whenever he walked. His hair is flowing and golden blonde, kept washed and well cared for in the style of house Sunglass. He wears a thin beard cut close against his chin, and his features are aquiline, hawkish, with high cheekbones and skin stylishly pale. He used to adorn himself in many flowing clothes of silk and fine linen, with his personal sign being that of pearls arranged like waves on a blue doublet, and keeps these fine clothes with him, but for now wears only clothes of mourning, of plain, laced black linen, his doublet unadorned, and without a hat. The brush of fabric against his half-leg is immensely painful, and so he must wear a long cape to prevent rain or wind reaching it through the latticework of the crafted leg.

He was descended from the Tullison line through his grandfather, Gavain, a dishonourable lecher and adulterer who's antics eventually found him expelled from the family holdings. Once his life had caught up to him and gout had claimed him, his son by a crownlander noble grew up a weapon's merchant and a disreputable one at that. He raised enough money to have his son squired under Guncer Sunglass, before he himself died, leaving six daughters, five of which were married off and one of which stayed with her brother in her youth. Tristayne's sister accompanied him as he squired, soon followed by his Mother, now robbed of her wits by age.

t was during the tourney of 124, when he was sixteen years old, that the crumbling of things finally reached him. During a melee he had grown distracted by the light glinting from a fellow squire's armour. While he looked away, another squire swiped at him with a blade. Through a trick of poor luck, the blade slipped through his armour unchecked, sliding fully through to the bone of his knee, and then upwards into the back of the thigh as the squire cried. He was carried, howling in pain and bleeding profusely to the maesters of the competition, and had his leg cut fully away to fight the black rot.

As a result of the cessation of his ambitions and the burdens of his dependants, he has recently moved back to the Tullison holdings, specifically to the household of Theomore Tullison to serve as best he could under his less impoverished cousin.

Tristayne Tullison

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Post by Darron Greyjoy Tue Nov 08, 2016 8:16 pm

Name: Darron Greyjoy

Appearance: Darron is 5,9, Black hair, blue eyes and has a warriors physique paired with strong facial features.

Age: 18

Background: Darron grew up on the Iron Islands and spent most of his young life there until he was sent to House Longshore to strengthen the ties between both houses and help in whatever way they deemed necessary. Darron while growing up eventually became a reaver for house Longshore and joined the expeditions eventually he decided to improve his lot in life from noble reaver.

125 - The King's Justice - 17 at the time
- Joined members of house Longshore in the investigation.
- His time during the investigation left a impression on him between a dragon and wildfire.

126 - Personal Stories &
House Fortunes
- Was present at Lord Redwain's wedding &
- Was present at Lord Bartheld's tourney and participated in the melee
- Was present at House Drakeson's tourney
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Darron Greyjoy

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Post by Ser Alfred Haigh Thu Nov 10, 2016 12:01 pm

Name: Ser Alfred Haigh
Born: 72 AC (55 years old in 127 AC)
Affiliation: House Tullison

Ser Alfred Haigh is the second son on Ser Robert Haigh and a second cousin to the current Head of House Haigh. He squired for his maternal uncle, Ser Gregor Grimm and spent most of his youth at the Shield Islands, which included dealing with Ironborn raiders from time to time, a people he intensely dislikes. Knighted in 89 AC, he set out for home but spent the next five years on the road, taking to the life of a hedge knight, fighting at tourneys or serving brief periods as Sworn Sword or Sellsword, depending on how people look at it. He quickly left home again when his younger sister Lessa married into House Blackwood, as his father put him in charge of the bride's retinue. While the retinue was slowly dismissed with time, Alfred staedy as his sisters sworn shield and also a sort of consort. In 98 AC, Alfred competed in the tourney to celebrate King Jahaerys' 50th year on the throne as part of the Blackwood retinue and won some prize money and accolades, but didn't make it to the final rounds. He was dismissed from Blackwood services in 100 AC, rumour has it due to some disagreements with his sister's husband and some other Blackwoods, and took to the road, taking up services in the Vale to combat Hill Tribes and other nuisances for various Lords, among those Lord Dunstan Tullison and the Knight of Ninestars.

In 106 AC, despite being freshly married to a Templeton of lesser standing, Leona Templeton, Alfred decided to follow Prince Daemon Targaryen to the Stepstones, where he served as a commander of a small unit and gained a patch of land and a meagre fortune for his troubles. He held out until after Prince Daemon had left the stepstones, but lost his 'holding' and fortune and returned to Westeros with wife (who died soon after), his son Malcolm and preciously little else in 117 AC. He travelled again to the Vale, where he entrusted his son to his late wife's younger brother, Ser Willis and then was accepted back into Blackwood services, reluctantly, some say. He was present at the Tourney in Riverrun in 124 AC and took part in a few actions against the Brackens, being captured during one engagement by Ser Wyll Bracken and spending some time as a prisoner at Stone Hedge before being ransomed. Dismissed again after the shaky peace between Blackwoods and Brackens forced both sides to reduce their forces, he turned to House Tullison for employ.

Appearance: Ser Alfred is about 5'10 tall and more lean and wiry than muscular. he prefers grey clothing, simple and adorned with little than his personal arms. If not for his age, he would, under most circumstances, be rather unremarkable, something he apparently likes that way.

Personal arms: House Haigh's black pitchfork on a gold bend sinister on a russet field, with a badger sejant in the chief as his personal identifier.

Connections sought: Any.
Ser Alfred Haigh
Ser Alfred Haigh

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Post by Jon Templeton Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:26 am

Name - Ser Jon Templeton
D.o.B. - 5th month of 105 AC
Height / Weight - 5'10"
/ 171 lbs.

Physical Description: Jon has a well-toned but not overly muscular body that is typical of a young knight. His dark brown, bordering on black hair is kept short. Stormy blue eyes rest under a seemingly permanent furrowed brow caused by years of anger. A short trimmed beard accentuates his strong jaw.

Personality: In his youth Jon was sullen and withdrawn, the forgotten child of Ninestars. The emotional abuse he suffered at an early age has made it difficult for him to form close relationships. As a squire under Ser Theomore his attitude slowly changed to a pragmatist with a cynical sense of humor. Jon finds he gets along best with people who share his passion for martial prowess.

Brief Background: The fourth son of Harold the Elder, Lord of Ninestars, Jon lived in the shadow of his father and three older brothers. Unlike his family, Jon did not possess the physical traits associated with someone of Andal ancestry and was ostracized by his siblings for it. The abuse suffered at the hands of his siblings paled in comparison to the harsh and uncompromising nature of his father. The only person that showed Jon kindness was his mother Alicent who died from complications of giving birth to the seventh, and last, Templeton child in 110 AC.

Shortly thereafter, Harold the Elder and his second eldest son left for the Stepstones to fight for Daemon Targaryen. Both were killed in 111 AC. When Harold the Younger (known later as 'the Lame') became heir Jon devoted all of his time to the training yards. He became and excellent melee fighter and able jouster. In 117 AC, Jon met Ser Theomore Tullison at a tourney and became his squire shortly thereafter.

Jon squired for Ser Theomore until his knighthood shortly after the sacking of Blackbuckle. Returning to Ninestars Jon spent a few years making amends with his eldest brother and serving the house. Jon has returned to the Riverlands to find his friend (and father figure) Ser Theomore.

Connections: Any. Jon is not in the line of succession and has left home to make a name for himself in the hopes of becoming a landed knight and marrying a fair maiden.

Coat of Arms - Nine stars, one of seven points and eight of six points, on a gold saltire, on a black field
Jon Templeton
Jon Templeton

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Post by Aerion Storm Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:51 am

Aerion Storm

Aerion is known in most circles for precisely two things;  squiring to the famed Ser Harbert Baratheon, and deserving it.  The bastard has grown to manhood -- perhaps twenty years old, perhaps a few years older, his broad shoulders and occasional beard make it tough to tell -- in Ser Harbert's service, riding from tourney to battlefield and back. He has not spent the last decade just fetching wine and rolling barrels filled with sand and mail, though, he has been training.  He has become a promising warrior in his own right, particularly talented in the joust, and even Ser Harbert himself has said Aerion will earn his spurs "any day now," loudly and often...but has said it for years.

Storm's mother was a Baratheon cousin, and kin to House Bartheld as well, said to have been impregnated with him at one of those infamous Bartheld parties.  As Aerion has grown taller, grown stronger, grown more and more into the spitting image of any Baratheon knight, the question remains...what will they do with him?  For now, he is the famous Ser Harbert's mailed right hand, the senior squire trusted to act in his knight's stead, but no one knows where House Baratheon -- or Bartheld? -- will send him to long-term service, or just when he'll get his spurs.

Recently, Aerion has been granted some measure of independence in Ser Harbert's name.  Still a squire, but armed with a satchel of letters of invitation, he has been something more like an independent man-at-arms, almost a hedge knight.  For the glory of his Baratheon sponsors, he has partaken in several noteworthy jousts.

124/??: Attended the Riverrun Tourney's squires-only contest, besting young Josef Frey and the heir to Runestone, Willum Royce.
125/08: Attended the Grassfield Keep Tourney, competing in the Equestrian event, the melee, and squiring for Ser Harbert Baratheon.
126/02: Served in the King's army against the Dornishmen of House Wyl.
126/05: Attended House Drakeson's tourney, besting a Mooton, a Hedge Knight, a Brax, Ser Jon Templeton, and Ser Florian Greysteel.
126/07: Assisted in stopping Velaryon men-at-arms from leaving King's Landing.
126/11: Attended House Bartheld's tourney, besting Ser Arun Beesbury, Ser Gregor Stackspear of the Westerlands, and Ser Garvin of Pinkmaiden.
127/01: Attended House Coldbrook's grand tourney, besting Ser David Rivers, Ser Bartholomew Forrest, and Ser Jaime Blanetree, and competing in the Equestrian event.
127/??: Served in the King's army moving on the Stepstones.
Aerion Storm
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