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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Reader Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:31 pm

Ser Warrick Wheaton had stunned the crowd by defeating the famed Ser Jon Roxton in the previous day's tilting, the crowd debating whether it was good luck or good aim that had seen him through. While Bold Ser Jon was a feared swordsman, he was only slightly less talented with the lance.

Nonetheless, Ser Warrick was a fine opponent, particularly if the watch needed to be settled on foot. The hedge knight was the unlikely bearer of a Valyrian steel sword, with the personal prowess to hold on to it despite the thieves, robbers and bandits that doubtless assailed him on the road.

Passive Ride: 14
Health: 12/12
AR: 10
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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty Re: [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Kevan Lyras Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:43 pm

Ser Kevan enters the semi-final in his usual armor. He waves towards the crowd, who is equally in favor of the Marsten knight and his opponent. He nods towards Ser Warrick and closes the visor of his helmet. As the signal is given, he lowers his lance and focuses on the hedge knight.

[Description will be amended once this thread:http://dragonsdance.forumatic.com/viewtopic.php?f=63&
t=1177 is resolved]

Maneuver: Defensive +2
Health: 9/9
Passive ride: 14+2 =16
[url=R6T1][/url]: 9d6k4-2 18

Kevan Lyras

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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty Re: [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Reader Sat Jul 11, 2015 10:05 pm

Ser Warrick's lance shattered, but struck an ineffectual blow as he fought to retain control of his deep red stallion and turn it for a second pass.

Pass 1
Passive Ride: 14
Health: 12/12
AR: 10
[url=Balanced][/url]: 9d6k4 17
[url=Animal handling (ride)][/url]: 5d6k3 15

Pass 2 stance: high in the saddle
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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty Re: [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Kevan Lyras Sun Jul 12, 2015 2:11 pm

Both riders shatter their lances but none falls from his horse. The crowd roars as they prepare for the second pass.

[url=Stayinsaddle][/url]: 5d6k3 10
Maneuver Round 2: Balanced
[url=R6T2][/url]: 9d6k4 16

Kevan Lyras

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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty Re: [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Reader Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:51 pm

Pass 2
Passive Ride: 14
Health: 12/12
AR: 10
[url=High in the saddle +2][/url]: 9d6k4+2 19 16 damage, TN 12 to say mounted
[url=Animal handling (ride)][/url]: 5d6k3-2 12

Pass 3
Maneuver: high in the saddle +2
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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty Re: [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Kevan Lyras Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:40 pm

In the second round, both knight's lances hit their target again, with a cracking sound they break apart and the participants prepare for the third pass. The atmosphere reachs a boiling point as the crowd yells at the two. The Marsten knight reachs inside a strap of his armor and takes out a handkerchief in red and black. He holds it up in the air, showing it to the stalls of nobles as well as the crowd of smallfolks, before attaching it to the left side of his breastplate. He starts the third pass with an aggressive stance, ready to give it all.
It's now or never, cmon Kevan!

[url=Stayinsaddle][/url]: 5d6k3 12
New calculation with correction from readers post below: 16 damage - AR8 = 8
Health: 1/9
Injury: 1
[url=Catch your breath][/url]: 3d6-1 6 -->
Health 3/9

Maneuver: Aggressive +2
[url=R6T3][/url]: 9d6k4+1 24 -->
3DoS= 24 Damage
Passive ride: 14-2 = 12

Last edited by 157 on Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:52 pm; edited 2 times in total

Kevan Lyras

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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty Re: [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Reader Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:45 pm

Pass 3
[url=High in the saddle +2][/url]: 9d6k4+2 23
2 DoS = 16 Damage, TN 12 to stay mounted [note that I made a mistake in pass 2, so you should only have taken 16 damage = no need to spend destiny/use BoTA in pass 2]
[url=High in the saddle +2][/url]: 5d6k3-2 8 - fails ride check and falls from his horse!

Can Ser Kevan keep his seat?
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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty Re: [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Kevan Lyras Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:00 pm

Hm, it gets complicated:

It is actually 3 DoS, as my passive ride is lowered by the aggressive stance:
[url=Stayinsaddle][/url]: 5d6k3 13 I could take the daily BotA Bonus +2 -->
15 to stay in the saddle, IF the malus from the damage I take from my opponent's lance is not already to be included in this roll.

If I can stay in the saddle with regard to the problem above, I have to take a wound(!): 3DoS = 24 damage - 8 AR = 16 damage, more than all three of my injuries could soak up. This could bring us into retcon hell because of the melee...

(Warrick is taking 24 damage - 10 AR = 14 + damage from the fall + 8 = 22 damage)

Kevan Lyras

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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty Re: [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Reader Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:04 pm

[OOC: spend one destiny to drop his roll by 5, wiping out 1 DoS? Avoids retcon hell.]
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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty Re: [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Kevan Lyras Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:26 pm

Ah, a much more elegant solution!
Spend DP -->
2 DoS = 16 damage - AR8 = 8 -->
take two injuries = 2
Need TN12 to stay in the saddle -->
is the 13 enough or do I have to spend the BotA+2 to cancel out the injury malus as this applies to this test as well?

Both lances hit their target once again with vicious power. Ser Kevan barley holds on to his horse and somehow manages to stay in the saddle. As he turns around, he sees his opponent tumble from his horse. Despite the stabbing pain in his chest, he opens his visor, showing a wide grin on his face. He touches the handkerchief on his breastplate and bows before the crowd. Then, he turns his horse around and rides towards Ser Warrick. He dismounts and reachs his left hand out to help the other knight from the ground.

Kevan Lyras

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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty Re: [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Reader Tue Jul 14, 2015 7:09 am

Kevan Lyras wrote:Ah, a much more elegant solution!
Spend DP -->
2 DoS = 16 damage - AR8 = 8 -->
take two injuries = 2
Need TN12 to stay in the saddle -->
is the 13 enough or do I have to spend the BotA+2 to cancel out the injury malus as this applies to this test as well?

Both lances hit their target once again with vicious power. Ser Kevan barley holds on to his horse and somehow manages to stay in the saddle. As he turns around, he sees his opponent tumble from his horse. Despite the stabbing pain in his chest, he opens his visor, showing a wide grin on his face. He touches the handkerchief on his breastplate and bows before the crowd. Then, he turns his horse around and rides towards Ser Warrick. He dismounts and reach his left hand out to help the other knight from the ground.

Wild cheers go up from the Marsten contingent, with shouts almost as loud from the rest of the crowd. Even Prince Daemon Targaryen is moved to applaud at Ser Kevan's unlikely progress to the final.

Somewhere, in amongst it all, the flame of hope in Sofia Blackwood's soul is rekindled.

All are united in joy and admiration at Ser Kevan's feat of arms.

All, that is, except Lord Kellan Kriegar, House Marsten's bannerman, recently robbed of his own talented son and now forced to watch the world applaud his fellow vassal's nephew...

[OOC: Just take a point of fatigue to avoid injury penalties, = -1 penalty instead of -2 and you keep your seat but retain BoTA!

Awareness (Empathy) TN 12 to notice Lord Kellan's reaction for spectators or participants]
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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty Re: [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Baelon Drakeson Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:10 pm

Cheering for his fellow Marsten knight, Baelon catches Lord Kellan's sour expression out of the corner of his eye.
[url=joust awareness][/url]: 3d6 13

OOC: If memory serves, isn't Kevan the brother of the current Lord of Lyras?
Edmund is one of his sons.
Baelon Drakeson
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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty Re: [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Kevan Lyras Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:23 pm

[url=Awareness (Kieger)][/url]: 3d6 9

Kevan is too caught up in the moment of triumph to recognize Lord Kellan's less than happy expression. He turns around one more time enjoying the cheers of the spectators, before he leaves the jousting ground.

OOC: Ok, will spend fatigue then and keep BotA

OOC: If memory serves, isn't Kevan the brother of the current Lord of Lyras?
Edmund is one of his sons

Reader: I guess Ser Warrick rode a regular Courser?

Kevan Lyras

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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty Re: [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Reader Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:14 pm

[ooc: yes, courser and full plate]
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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty Re: [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Benedict Marsten Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:25 pm

Ben rises to his feet in applause.
[url=Awareness Kriegar][/url]: 3d6 10
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[D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton Empty Re: [D7] Ser Kevan Lyras v Ser Warrick Wheaton

Post by Lady Corrine Marsten Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:42 pm

[url=Awareness (Empathy)][/url]: 4d6k3 13

Corrine also applauds Kevan, but more reservedly, as she notices Lord Kriegar seething.

I should have a word with him soon. Best to try and soothe that beast before it rampages.
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