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Aerion Storm vs. Ser Arun Beesbury

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Aerion Storm vs. Ser Arun Beesbury Empty Aerion Storm vs. Ser Arun Beesbury

Post by Aerion Storm Thu Dec 08, 2016 6:11 am

Aerion's humble brown mare high-steps towards the end of the lanes, proudly bearing a bit more weight than when last Storm jousted.  Aerion leveraged his ransoms from the season's recent jousts into a new set of armor -- purchased from a fine smith with a shop at the end of King's Landing's Street of Steel -- and is more prepared for enemy lances than he was at the Drakeson contests.  He dips his lance to his opponent, then reaches up to slap his visor shut;  closed behind steel, his view narrows to only his rival's shield and armor.  The striped black and gold matched Aerion's own Baratheon colors, but there the similarity ended.  House Beesbury.

A knight of the Reach, albeit one who's seen better days, he smiles behind his visor.  Ser Harbert always enjoyed it when Reachmen got knocked on their arse, and -- knowing Ser Alayne Tarly is in attendance -- Storm plans to do just that, in his lord master's name.  Aerion puts his heels to Argella and charges, centering his lance-tip on his opponent's shield and leaning into the attack more than he usually does.


The impact is perhaps the finest of Aerion's young career;  angled just so, lance flawlessly couched, everything aligned, hitting mid-stride perfectly, shoulder rolling just right.  The tourney lance shatters magnificently and the Beesbury jouster is blasted from the saddle as though by a bolt of lightning.  Aerion rides Argella to his far end of the lane -- going through the motions of preparing for a second pass, so as not to dishonor his opponent -- but even before his rounsey has stopped and wheeled, squires are running to assist the unconscious Reachman.

I will check on him later, and Warrior watch over him in the meantime Aerion lifts his visor, showing a frown if anyone should happen to spot it.  I should not have struck him so.
Aerion Storm
Aerion Storm

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Aerion Storm vs. Ser Arun Beesbury Empty Re: Aerion Storm vs. Ser Arun Beesbury

Post by Davain Bartheld Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:55 pm

You would be correct, he cannot hit you so I won't bother rolling. Your next opponent is a Hedge Knight, so ya you win again. So you have two ransoms consisting of splint armor, courser and shield. In the third round you will be facing a Knight of quality who can possibly hit you so roll for that.

KoQ Stats:
Davain Bartheld
Davain Bartheld

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Aerion Storm vs. Ser Arun Beesbury Empty Re: Aerion Storm vs. Ser Arun Beesbury

Post by Aerion Storm Mon Dec 12, 2016 10:34 pm

Aerion's next opponent is another road-weary warrior, the sort with humble, well-used armor, and carefully cared-for weapons. The humblest of knights, he had sometimes heard them called, but Ser Harbert often amended it, And as such among the most dangerous. Knights of the hedgerows lacked steady food, a lord's protection, and long peaces; they thrived on combat and conflict alone, and were all the sharper for it.

Still and all, Aerion knocked him from the saddle cleanly enough. Another broken lance, another win, and another ransom that would need sorting out later in the day.

A Stackspear, he noted, when next he rode Argella up to the lanes to tilt. It was hard to think you'd find much humility from such a knight. Westermen, sworn to House Lannister itself, and the type who checked their sigils in gold and silver. Aerion had ridden the southron tourney circuit since he could sit a horse, and had met a great many knights from the West. They were, Reachlanders aside, perhaps the least humble sort in all the Seven Kingdoms. The man still got a salute. As a knight, he deserved it.

Those crossed spears do make a fine target, though, he smiled into his helmet, spurring Argella on.

Jousting, Bartheld Tourney, KoQ, PR 11 (BoA reroll added): 10d6k4+1 18 1d6 3 (so KoQ takes 12 damage after armor, plus needs a roll to stay in the saddle)

Stay In Saddle: 6d6k5 25 (if needed)

PR: 24
AR: 10
Health: 9/9
Base Damage: 11 per DoS

Last edited by Aerion Storm on Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : (added names and fiction))
Aerion Storm
Aerion Storm

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Aerion Storm vs. Ser Arun Beesbury Empty Re: Aerion Storm vs. Ser Arun Beesbury

Post by Jon Templeton Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:06 pm

[ooc]A KoQ has a PR of 14. Just thought I'd throw that out there.[/ooc]
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Aerion Storm vs. Ser Arun Beesbury Empty Re: Aerion Storm vs. Ser Arun Beesbury

Post by Aerion Storm Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:16 pm

[Oops, was just going by what was posted, didn't double-check it. So just one DoS, then, 11 damage, 1 damage after armor. Assuming he makes the SiS check, he's got no real problems, 'cause he's sure to get that one point back.

Gonna assume my Stay-in-Saddle check was enough to stay upright if he hits me, and move on to the next pass of die rolls]

Catch Your Breath: 3d6 10 (so I'll get back 2 health if he tagged me on that first pass)

Jousting, Bartheld Tourney vs KoQ, PR 14, plus BoA roll: 10d6k4+3 25 1d6 2
Stay In Saddle: 6d6k5 19
Catch Your Breath (if another is needed): 3d6 16
Aerion Storm
Aerion Storm

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