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Yoren vs Lord Petyr Mallister day 4

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Yoren vs Lord Petyr Mallister day 4 Empty Yoren vs Lord Petyr Mallister day 4

Post by Yoren longshore Sat May 09, 2015 9:14 pm

Yoren arrives at the second round in much the same manner as in the first, although he has learned to let the lance lie a little more still as he rides up. It seems like there are fewer people who has come to openly laugh at him this time around.

I still ride defencively for a pluss 2 to def
Passive ride 14
health 6

Yoren longshore

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Join date : 2015-04-05

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Yoren vs Lord Petyr Mallister day 4 Empty Re: Yoren vs Lord Petyr Mallister day 4

Post by Reader Sat May 09, 2015 10:53 pm

Lord Petyr Mallister is a true tourney knight, and seems to revel in the rare chance to defeat an Ironborn jouster. That his foe just defeated his son will only make his victory sweeter.

His kicks his steed in to a charge with the quiet confidence of an experienced tilter.

Passive ride 15
Health 12
AR: 10
[url=High in the saddle +2][/url]: 8d6k4+4 27
Result: 3 DoS = 24 damage, TN 15 to remain in the saddle

[OOC: apologies for the rough draw and high roll Yoren. Sad ]
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Yoren vs Lord Petyr Mallister day 4 Empty Re: Yoren vs Lord Petyr Mallister day 4

Post by Yoren longshore Sat May 09, 2015 10:59 pm

Yoren rides forward with gusto, but as Petyr smashes his lance into Yorens breast, shattering the lance and probably poor Yoren himself Yoren flies of his horse, getting dragged by his horse a good ten feet before people stop the horse. An ironborn checks Yoren over for injuries as the crowd falls silent to hear about the damage...

I'm defeated, choose consequence, will Yoren end up like Joren?

Yoren longshore

Posts : 2376
Join date : 2015-04-05

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Yoren vs Lord Petyr Mallister day 4 Empty Re: Yoren vs Lord Petyr Mallister day 4

Post by Reader Sat May 09, 2015 11:07 pm

Lord Mallister rides past the cheering Riverlanders, pleased to have put the uppity Ironborn in his place. It would be a strange world with two Ironborn progressing deep in to the tournament! Now to deal with the kinslayer...

He milks the applause for some time, despite his opponent's relative lack of experience, exulting in defeating his family's ancestral enemies.

[OOC: I'm not a total monster, Lord Petyr Mallister simply extracts the usual ransom]
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Yoren vs Lord Petyr Mallister day 4 Empty Re: Yoren vs Lord Petyr Mallister day 4

Post by Yoren longshore Sat May 09, 2015 11:27 pm

Yoren rises up, still slightly dizzy from tumbling in the grass after getting dismounted. When he do get up, however it is with a smile.

I congratulate you on your victory Lord Mallister, well deserved."
Yoren takes off his mail.

You will want my armour now won't you? You paid the iron price for it, it is rightfully yours."
Yoren gives a smile before raising his voice slightly: "
After I took your boy's equipment, you'll need something else to replace it with!"

He smiles "
don't worry, Your son's armour will have a premier spot on the wall, next to all the other victories to remember."

Yoren gives up his gear and leaves after talking to some of the cheering ironborn.

Yoren longshore

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Join date : 2015-04-05

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Yoren vs Lord Petyr Mallister day 4 Empty Re: Yoren vs Lord Petyr Mallister day 4

Post by Reader Sat May 09, 2015 11:34 pm

Lord Mallister fumes in impotent fury, prevented by the laws of hospitality from giving Yoren the thrashing he so richly deserves.

Somehow, the scheming Red Priest has turned defeat in to victory, at least so far as the laughing ironborn raiders are concerned.
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