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[D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thorne

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[D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thorne Empty [D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thorne

Post by Theomore Tullison Sat May 23, 2015 11:50 am

Some might raise an eyebrow as ser Theomore enters the field upon a gray rounsey rather than his black destrier, might be the man expects to loose, and wants to cut the ransom he will owe, though he must surely be able to afford a few extra gold after coming as far as he has? Some more experienced men suggests that the man has more in common with the fox than the color of his hair. A skilled rider such as ser Theomore may variate his tactics, and a horse, smaller and more agile may offer advantages over pure power, even if a Destrier probably is better. Most likely, he expects that ser Richard has studied his technique and prepared himself to face the ser Theomore that had already shown himself in the first three rounds. Now the kingsguard knight would need to joust the unexpected.

Theomore's choice was much more trickier than so, Ser Richard rode stallions in the joust, a sensible choice for their greater strength. Theomore preferred mares, for no other reason than that sometimes, an opponent would do just as he did now, ride a mare in heat. Of course, great care must be taken to not let anyone notice what he brought, arriving just in time, and avoiding other stallions on his way. Against a knight of the kingsguard, he would require some additional edge. And speaking of kingsguard, that presented an additional opportunity. Their job was to protect the bloodroyal first and foremost, not score a tourney victory whatever the cost. Ser Richard may well be inclined to forfeit should Theomore's lance "
hit somewhere it would hurt.

[url=cheating bastardry for 2 bonuses][/url]: 5d6k4+2 19
OOC: Cheating as per privately discussed with reader, the following applies: +half deception to Passive AH and Fighting. Cheating done against passive awareness-notice of those observing, but critical failure required against those in the stands for them to catch on to it, *unless* they are suspicious of Theo to begin with (Coldbrooks).

Passive Animal Handling: 20
AR: 10
Health: 9
High in Saddle +2
+2 to attack due to dirty tricks.
And aiming for body, that too.

Last edited by 109 on Sat May 23, 2015 11:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
Theomore Tullison
Theomore Tullison

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[D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thorne Empty Re: [D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thor

Post by Reader Sat May 23, 2015 2:17 pm

[OOC: separate deception roll "
to disguise your duplicity"
in going for the body, unless you want to do it openly.


Also, where's the +3 bonus from?]
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[D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thorne Empty Re: [D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thor

Post by Theomore Tullison Sat May 23, 2015 3:16 pm

[Cheating is keyed off deception, and I'm a treacherous bastard,

[url=concealing duplicity][/url]: 5d6k4+2 20 ]

Last edited by 109 on Sat May 23, 2015 11:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
Theomore Tullison
Theomore Tullison

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[D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thorne Empty Re: [D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thor

Post by Reader Sat May 23, 2015 3:49 pm

[OOC: treacherous only applies during an intrigue, sorry. Sad ]
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[D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thorne Empty Re: [D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thor

Post by Reader Mon May 25, 2015 6:48 pm

Ser Rickard Thorne is resplendent in his white cloak as the kingsguard kicks his mount towards his duplicitous opponent.

In the stands, Lady Alysane Tully shakes her head in contempt at what she believes she sees before her... Surely the pageant champion does not dishonour himself so? She leans over to whisper something to her Lord Husband, concealing her mouth with a carefully placed hand.

Pass 1
Passive Animal Handling: 19
CD: 11
AR: 10
Health: 12
[url=High in the saddle +2][/url]: 10d6k4+3 21
1 DoS = 10 Damage, TN 9 to stay mounted.
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[D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thorne Empty Re: [D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thor

Post by Theomore Tullison Mon May 25, 2015 8:15 pm

Ser Theomore's lance slams into Ser Richard's left shoulder with a sickening crunch, the tip finding itself lodged between the chest-piece and shoulder plate. Surely something was strained in the kingsguard's joint there?

[url=High in the Saddle +2 +cheat][/url]: 8d6k3+4 +2 BoA 24
2 DoS against passive ride, TN12 to stay in the saddle, 3 DoS against combat defense, 27 damage before AR, 17 after.

[url=stay in saddle][/url]: 6d6k4-2 17
Stays in saddle, Theo's plate takes the damage.
Theomore Tullison
Theomore Tullison

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[D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thorne Empty Re: [D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thor

Post by Reader Tue May 26, 2015 10:16 pm

The smallfolk erupt, as the unlikely pageant champion defeats a member of the Kingsguard!

Seasoned tourney watchers are stunned, Ser Bryndon Hightower himself nods in respect at this unexpected feat of arms.

[OOC: Ser Rickard is defeated by damage to his health]
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[D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thorne Empty Re: [D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thor

Post by Theomore Tullison Wed May 27, 2015 2:58 pm

Ser Rickard can at least claim the honor of being the first opponent that makes Ser Theomore reel in the saddle, but his blow is dampened by Theomore successfully interjecting with his shield. And the horsemanship shown in the pageantry carries the day for the Tullison knight. And while a rider of Ser Rickard's quality ordinarily would manage to recover from Theomore's strike, well placed as it may be, it would seem that the jolt of pain in his shoulder was enough to tip the scales to Theomore's advantage, Ser Rickard almost manages to stay in his saddle, almost. But even the heroic effort of will one would expect of a kingsguard proves to be insufficient to withstand both the force of Theomore's lance and the reflex attempting to avoid the source of the pain.

Ser Rickard is able to walk off the field, though it might seem as if he requires some assistance from the maester with his shoulder.

[Defeat consequenses=ransom. If however, our almighty narrator would like a more dramatic end, it would appear that a splinter found it's way deep into Ser Rickards shoulder, leaving him to bleed out once the pressure from his armor is removed, or leads to a slow and painful death from blood poisoning.]
Theomore Tullison
Theomore Tullison

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[D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thorne Empty Re: [D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thor

Post by Reader Wed May 27, 2015 7:05 pm

Ser Rickard rises woozily from the ground, but draws himself up to his full height and walks from the field under his own power, despite a squire's offer of assistance.

[OOC: our Kingsguard lives!]
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[D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thorne Empty Re: [D6 Joust R. 4] Ser Theomore Tullison v Ser Rickard Thorne

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