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[Day 6 R. 5] Athelstan Pyke vs. Ser Bryndon Hightower

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[Day 6 R. 5] Athelstan Pyke vs. Ser Bryndon Hightower Empty [Day 6 R. 5] Athelstan Pyke vs. Ser Bryndon Hightower

Post by Athelstan Fri May 29, 2015 8:14 pm

Athelstan curses his luck and a certain someone that he looks fiercely at I'll shave your mustache with an axe one day... yet not surprised, the greenlanders wanted him out of the race, he had humiliated them more than enough getting to the final 8 jousters in the tourney, with only hope and luck by his side he picks up the lance and lowers his helmet visor raising his lance to salute his opponent and let him know he is ready to begin.

Maneuver: High in the Saddle +2
Passive Ride: 18
Health: 12/12
AR: 7


Posts : 1595
Join date : 2015-04-21

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[Day 6 R. 5] Athelstan Pyke vs. Ser Bryndon Hightower Empty Re: [Day 6 R. 5] Athelstan Pyke vs. Ser Bryndon Hightower

Post by Reader Fri May 29, 2015 11:33 pm

Ser Bryndon, the famed champion of Hightower is unusual for a Reachman in that he favours the axe over the lance.

Nevertheless, the powerfully built knight represents an intimidating foe, glad in Hightower green and riding a pure white destrier.

Pass 1
Maneuver: High in the Saddle +2
Passive Ride: 15+5=20 [Uses Annointed]
Health: 12/12
AR: 10
[url=High in the saddle +2][/url]: 11d6k5+2 26
2 DoS = 20 Damage, TN 12 to remain mounted
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[Day 6 R. 5] Athelstan Pyke vs. Ser Bryndon Hightower Empty Re: [Day 6 R. 5] Athelstan Pyke vs. Ser Bryndon Hightower

Post by Athelstan Fri May 29, 2015 11:49 pm

[ooc]This joust is going to be very painful...[/ooc]

Athelstan lance breaks but Ser Bryndon is a true jouster, punishing Athelstan with a solid hit to his shield, in despite Athelstan best effort he slips of in the last moment falling of his horse.

[url=Fighting][/url]: 8d6k3+2 19

Stay in the saddle fail
[url=Ride][/url]: 6d6k4-2 11

[ooc]20 - 7 = 13 - 4 = 9Taking 1 injury to reduce the damage by 4 for total of 9[/ooc]

Catch my breath
[url=Endurance][/url]: 4d6k4 13

Athelstan takes a moment to recover after he stands up from such force, and turns to look at his shield on the floor, with great surprise at the damage it has taken "
Ser Bryndon, a true honor to be bested by someone with such skill and force"
Athelstan bowing in true respect to the man, giving him his other hand to shake as the pain from hi arm shield is evident "
I hope you win Ser Bryndon"


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Join date : 2015-04-21

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[Day 6 R. 5] Athelstan Pyke vs. Ser Bryndon Hightower Empty Re: [Day 6 R. 5] Athelstan Pyke vs. Ser Bryndon Hightower

Post by Reader Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:30 pm

Pass 2
Maneuver: Defensive +1
Passive Ride: 16
Health: 12/12
AR: 10
Maneuver: Pending
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[Day 6 R. 5] Athelstan Pyke vs. Ser Bryndon Hightower Empty Re: [Day 6 R. 5] Athelstan Pyke vs. Ser Bryndon Hightower

Post by Reader Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:51 pm

[OOC: missed the stay in saddle fail!]

Ser Bryndon wheels, ready for another pass that never comes.

He rides over, taking Athelstan's hand, seemingly unsure on the knightly thing to do - here stands a kinslayer, but a man who has ridden nobly and offered sincere congratulations.

If this is how you fight from horseback, few men if any can be your equal on a ship's deck."

Well fought."
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[Day 6 R. 5] Athelstan Pyke vs. Ser Bryndon Hightower Empty Re: [Day 6 R. 5] Athelstan Pyke vs. Ser Bryndon Hightower

Post by Athelstan Fri Jun 05, 2015 11:20 pm

You do me great honor Ser with those words, I'm underserving"
Athelstan bows deeply "
I hope next time I'm on your side, and not on the other side of your lance"
chuckling "
Well fought Ser Bryndon, I' wish you the best and hope you win"


Posts : 1595
Join date : 2015-04-21

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[Day 6 R. 5] Athelstan Pyke vs. Ser Bryndon Hightower Empty Re: [Day 6 R. 5] Athelstan Pyke vs. Ser Bryndon Hightower

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