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[Day 4: EA] Athelstan One Eye vs. Ser Henry Marbrand

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[Day 4: EA] Athelstan One Eye vs. Ser Henry Marbrand Empty [Day 4: EA] Athelstan One Eye vs. Ser Henry Marbrand

Post by Athelstan Sat May 09, 2015 2:56 pm

Maneuver: Standard
Passive Ride: 18
Health: 12/12 - unless I have less do to fight let me know
AR: 7
I'll add any other injuries/wounds I might have if I have to do to fight.

Last edited by 149 on Sat May 09, 2015 3:45 pm; edited 1 time in total


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[Day 4: EA] Athelstan One Eye vs. Ser Henry Marbrand Empty Re: Athelstan One Eye vs. Ser Henry Marbrand

Post by Reader Sat May 09, 2015 3:13 pm

Ser Henry is short and stout, an unkind observer might even say fat. However, he knows how to sit a lance and won't disgrace himself in this company.

Passive Ride: 9
Health: 9/9- unless I have less do to fight let me know
AR: 8
[url=High in the saddle +2][/url]: 6d6k3+2 18
Result: 7 damage, Animal handling TN 9 to remain mounted, Lance Breaks.
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[Day 4: EA] Athelstan One Eye vs. Ser Henry Marbrand Empty Re: Athelstan One Eye vs. Ser Henry Marbrand

Post by Athelstan Sat May 09, 2015 3:21 pm

Athelstan rides in his deep sorren horse into the jousting lane, rejoicing at the booing of his name and the looks of fear and hatred.

Fuck you Murderer"

Kinslayer Scum"

Die Already"

But even then they all notice a blue scarf moving with the wind on his right arm, who could favor such a villain!?
Whispers are ushered in the bewilderment of such development, how could he? he is unworthy of such thing?

Maneuver: Standard
Passive Ride: 18
Health: 12/12
AR: 7
[url=Spears][/url]: 6d6k4 18 - 2 DoS?
Damage 18 (Edit, forgot charge bonus)
Ride to remain in saddle TN 9 (Barely)
[url=Ride][/url]: 6d6k4 9

Last edited by 149 on Sat May 09, 2015 3:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


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[Day 4: EA] Athelstan One Eye vs. Ser Henry Marbrand Empty Re: Athelstan One Eye vs. Ser Henry Marbrand

Post by Reader Sat May 09, 2015 3:28 pm

Ser Henry had struck a fierce blow, almost unhorsing the Ironborn, yet somehow Athelstan clung on, a far better rider than most of his kin.

Or perhaps it was the good luck brought by the strange favour he wore?

Henry had little time to dwell on his misfortune at narrowly failing to unhorse his foe, for he was knocked clean off his steed by his opponent's expert blow.

Few cheered, save the ironborn, who were twice as loud to fill the silence, jubilant as seeing one of their own prevail in the joust. He may have slain Roddric dishonourably, but at least he was beating the Greenlanders at their own game.

[OOC: [url=Animal handling (ride)][/url]: 3d6k2-2 3 Ser Henry topples from his mount taking another 9 damage, he takes three injuries and remains concious]
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[Day 4: EA] Athelstan One Eye vs. Ser Henry Marbrand Empty Re: [Day 4: EA] Athelstan One Eye vs. Ser Henry Marbrand

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