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Another contender enters [Joust Round 1, D4]

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Another contender enters [Joust Round 1, D4] Empty Another contender enters [Joust Round 1, D4]

Post by Ser Alfred Haigh Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:23 pm

In the end, Alfred had decided to throw his gauntlet into the ring to see who would pick it up. Not that he expected much to come from it, but it would be an opportunity to see what was left of his jousting skills and what sort of knights the Riverlands bred these days. He had already seen the arms of those known to him, even if it had been a long time, most prominently those of Ser Theomore Tullison, Ser Jon Cobb or Ser Fendrel Bartheld. Most of the others, he only knew cursorily, from one of his journeys or due to passing through their lands and having been granted hospitality or not. Having picked up the lance from the 'squire' he had hired for the length of the tournament after deciding to take part, he made his way to the starting position. His horse sported a grey caparison that matched the rider's grey brigandine armour. Both wore the russet field with the gold bend sinister that donned the pitchfork of House Haigh. Alfreds greathelm was a rather plain one, the only distinguishing features the gold and russet torse and the helmet crest on top of it, which, as per Alfreds choice of personal heraldry to tell him apart from other Haighs, resembled a badger sejant.

After greeting the lords and ladies in attendance, Ser Alfred shortly studies his opponent at the other side of the lane. Upon the signal, he lowers the lance and rides straight towards the other knight, aiming at his opponent's shield...

Passive Ride: 14 (?)
Health: 15/15
AR: 9
Action: Joust (7d6k5): [url:1civzkvx]http:
com/roll/421393[/url:1civzkvx] 18
Ser Alfred Haigh
Ser Alfred Haigh

Posts : 191
Join date : 2016-06-12

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Another contender enters [Joust Round 1, D4] Empty Re: Another contender enters [Joust Round 1, D4]

Post by Reader Fri Jul 22, 2016 5:07 pm

Ser Davyd Hunter approached, the famed white arrows on brown of Longbow Hall on his shield.

By all acounts he was a better archer than jouster, in keeping with his family's tradition. That said he was no disgrace to his family name, having once held three passes against Ser Arryk Cargyll himself.

Passive Ride 9
AR 7
[url=Eyes Fixed][/url]: 7d6k3+1 15 - 7 Damage per DoS
[url=stay in saddle][/url]: 3d6k2 9

Ser Davyd struck firmly, but appeared so intent on striking his opponent's shield squarely that he could not keep his own seat, tumbling from his mount.
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Another contender enters [Joust Round 1, D4] Empty Re: Another contender enters [Joust Round 1, D4]

Post by Ser Alfred Haigh Fri Jul 22, 2016 5:31 pm

[url=Stay in the saddle][/url]: 5d6k3 14

Ser Alfred's shield was squarely hit and the impact of the lance sent a short jolt of pain up the arm and into Alfred's shoulder. Proof that he hadn't had a proper joust for quite some time now... However, there was no serious injury done, as his armour absorbed the hit. However, while Ser Davyd tumbled off his horse, the older challenger managed to stay in the saddle. From his perspective, not the most unfortunate start ! He waited for Ser Davyd to get up one way or another, saluted his defeated opponent and returned to the end of his lane.

[url=Dice I forgot to roll][/url]: 2d6k2 5
Modifying the attack roll with the things I forgot, strike off the 18 and replace it with a 16 !
Ser Alfred Haigh
Ser Alfred Haigh

Posts : 191
Join date : 2016-06-12

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