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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Baelon Drakeson Sat May 16, 2015 5:50 am

Preparing for his first joust of the day, Baelon is well aware that his performance will be judged more closely than before, and should he falter he would no doubt hear about it during his training session tonight. Against a seasoned knight like Lord Manfryd, Baelon opts for a defensive posture.

Maneuver: Defensive 2
Passive Ride: 18
AR 7
Health: 9/9
Fatigue/Injuries/Wounds: 0/0/0

Recovery from previous day's joust:
[url=Endurance(Recovery)][/url]: 3d6 10 -1 for injury = 9
Successfully removed 1 Injury.

Last edited by 111 on Mon May 18, 2015 6:48 am; edited 1 time in total
Baelon Drakeson
Baelon Drakeson

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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Reader Sun May 17, 2015 9:55 pm

Lord Mooton enjoys the services of one of the finest swordmen in the Riverlands, in the shape of Ser Florian Greysteel. However, in his youth Lord Mooton was a promising knight, and has not allowed his skills to rust, despite the administrative burden lordship has placed on him.

Passive Ride: 12 (14)
AR 10
Health: 12/12
Fatigue/Injuries/Wounds: 0/0/0
[url=Aggressive +2][/url]: 9d6k4+2 20
[url=Animal handling (ride)][/url]: 5d6k3 14
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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Baelon Drakeson Mon May 18, 2015 6:45 am

Both men shatter their lances, but though Baelon had a somewhat better strike both also keep their seats.

Lining up for the second tilt, Baelon once again uses a defensive stance.

[url=Tilt 1 v Lord Manfryd Mooten][/url]: 9d6k4-2 18 [2 Dos] 18-10 = 8 damage, TN 12 ride test (passed)
20 vs. 18 PR: 1 DoS 8(?) - 7 = 1 Damage, TN 9 ride test [url=Tilt 1 Ride][/url]: 4d6 13 (passed)

Tilt 2:
Maneuver: Defensive 2
Passive Ride: 18
AR 7
Health: 8/9
Fatigue/Injuries/Wounds: 0/0/0
Baelon Drakeson
Baelon Drakeson

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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Reader Mon May 18, 2015 7:16 am

Now behind, Lord Mooton shifts his tactics slightly, enjoying more success as he battles his way back in to contention.

Passive Ride: 14
AR 10
Health: 7/12
Fatigue/Injuries/Wounds: 0/0/0
[url=Endurance][/url]: 4d6 14
[url=High in the saddle +2][/url]: 9d6k4+2 23
2 DoS = 18 Damage, TN 12 to stay mounted

[OOC: Baelon, remember you get health back from catch your breath]
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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Baelon Drakeson Mon May 18, 2015 8:13 am

This time Lord Manfryd had the superior hit, and Baelon feels a wrenching in the muscles of his back as he is twisted in the saddle a bit further than his body would like, then subsequently looses his seat, landing somewhat badly. He stands, saluting his foe and waving to the crowd to show that he is all right.

[url=Tilt 1 Catch Your Breath][/url]: 3d6 7 [2 DoS] recovered the 1 damage taken in Tilt 1 (9/9).
[url=Tilt 2 v Lord Manfryd Mooton][/url]: 9d6k4-2 16 [1 DoS] 9 - 10 AR = 0 damage, TN 9 Ride test.
Lord Manfryd got 2 DoS;
16-7 AR = 9, - 3 (Injury) = 6 Damage taken. TN 12 ride test: [url=tilt 2 ride v Lord Manfryd][/url]: 4d6-1 8 (are you kidding me? glad I didn't spend the DP to reduce his hit, I'd have fallen off anyway)
I take an additional 8 damage upon hitting the ground, but I will take two more injuries to reduce that to 2, preventing outright defeat (1 health remaining).

OOC: just plain old bad luck this tilt... and I started so strong in the last one. That's the way it goes.
EDIT: to be clear, I may spend a DP to affect his ride test, so I'm not admitting defeat quite yet.
Baelon Drakeson
Baelon Drakeson

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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Reader Mon May 18, 2015 7:42 pm

[OOC: [url=Animal handling (ride)][/url]: 5d6k3-2 12

- this will be settled with swords, on foot, if you use destiny to unhorse him
- You'll both get to take your "
catch your breath"
roll as normal before we draw swords]
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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Baelon Drakeson Tue May 19, 2015 6:32 am

[OOC: Well, this is dramatic, and I like that... I spend the DP to reduce his ride roll to an 8. He will take an additional 9 damage (and thus take an injury or be defeated) upon hitting the ground.]
[url=Catch Your Breath][/url]: 3d6 13 -3 for injuries = 10, 3 DoS, recover to 4/9 health.
Baelon Drakeson
Baelon Drakeson

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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Reader Tue May 19, 2015 7:15 pm

Lord Manfryd staggered to his feet, sluggishly. He cursed his luck at being unhorsed, his foot having slipped from a stirrup at at an inopportune moment.

The red salmon of his house is in ruins on his shield, as the two warriors make ready to settle matters on foot.

CD: 7
Health: 5/12
I/W/F: 1/0/0
AR: 10
[url=Initiative][/url]: 2d6k2-1 2 [another -4 for full plate = -2]
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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Baelon Drakeson Tue May 19, 2015 7:31 pm

Round 1
[url=Initiative v Lord Manfryd][/url]: 3d6-6 3 (Baelon, Lord Manfryd)

[Action &
Description Pending]

CD: 11
Health: 4/9
I/W/F: 3/0/0
AR: 7

OOC: How far apart are we?
Baelon Drakeson
Baelon Drakeson

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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Reader Tue May 19, 2015 7:34 pm

[OOC: one lesser action's worth, although neither of you have drawn your sword yet]
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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Baelon Drakeson Tue May 19, 2015 7:56 pm

Round 1
Initiative v Lord Manfryd: 3d6-6 3 (Baelon, Lord Manfryd)

Baelon draws his sword while stepping back to a more tactically sound distance.

Draw your sword or yield, my lord. I'll not have it said that I attacked an unarmed man."

Lesser action: Interact (draw while moving back 2 feet)
Lesser action: move back 2 feet

CD: 11
Health: 4/9
I/W/F: 3/0/0
AR: 7
Current distance: 6 feet
Baelon Drakeson
Baelon Drakeson

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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Reader Tue May 19, 2015 8:00 pm

Silently cursing his sluggish start, Lord Mooton draws his sword and lurches after Ser Baelon. He knew he was in better shape than his young foe and was eager to finish the job.

Round 1
CD: 7
Health: 5/12
I/W/F: 1/0/0
AR: 10
[Contingent fatigue: spend if attacked/knockdown]
Lesser action: draw sword and move two feet towards Baelon
Lesser action: move two feet towards Baelon
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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Baelon Drakeson Tue May 19, 2015 8:35 pm

Round 2
Initiative v Lord Manfryd: 3d6-6 3 (Baelon, Lord Manfryd)

Baelon steps forward, slamming his shield into the Lord of House Mooton, hooking his foot behind the other man's, sending him sprawling to the ground.
Pushing himself to an extreme degree, Baelon then brings his sword down on the fallen lord, but his swing fails to penetrate the man's plate armor.

Lesser action: Moving closer 2 feet
Lesser action: [url=Knockdown][/url]: 4d6-3 9+2 for having moved 11 (TN Cool
Effect: +1D on attacks vs Lord Manfryd
Spend a fatigue for an extra lesser action
Spend a fatigue to ignore injury penalties
Lesser action: [url=Attack][/url]: 8d6k6-2 19 [2 DoS]
Effect: 10 - 10AR - 0 Damage

CD: 11
Health: 4/9
I/W/F: 3/0/2
AR: 7
Current distance: Adjacent

OOC: bloody bad roll there... what a waste of fatigue.

EDIT: Fixed the Round # Rolling Eyes

Last edited by 111 on Tue May 19, 2015 8:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
Baelon Drakeson
Baelon Drakeson

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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Reader Tue May 19, 2015 8:43 pm

Round 2
CD: 7
Health: 5/12
I/W/F: 1/0/2
AR: 10
[Fatigue - spend one at start of round to ignore armour penalty]
Lesser action: attempt to leap to his feet [whoops, forgot his fatigue penalty, so he fails Sad ]
[url=agility][/url]: 2d6-1 9
Lesser action: [url=Fighting][/url]: 6d6k5-3 20
2 DoS = 8 damage - 7 AR = 1
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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Baelon Drakeson Tue May 19, 2015 9:17 pm

Round 3
Initiative v Lord Manfryd: 3d6-6 3 (Baelon, Lord Manfryd)

Now or never...
Throwing caution to the wind, Baelon takes a mighty swing at Lord Manfryd, leaving himself vulnerable but inflicting a severe strike.

Yield, my lord - I have no desire to cause you further harm."

The tone of his voice makes it clear that he will not lessen his next blow if his foe does not yield.

Greater action: [url=Reckless Attack][/url]: 9d6k7-5 25 [4 DoS]
Effect: 20 - 10AR = 10 Damage

Will take a fatigue to ignore armor penalty if attacked.
CD: 11 - 5 = 6 + 3 = 9
Health: 3/9
I/W/F: 3/0/2
AR: 7
Current distance: Adjacent

EDIT: Removed an extraneous bit of BB Code and added a line of description making it clear that Baelon is seeking a yield, not offering one.
Baelon Drakeson
Baelon Drakeson

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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Reader Thu May 21, 2015 10:07 pm

I yield, Ser Baelon, let I spend the rest of Lord Tully's tourney eating through a straw"

Lord Mooton sheaths his sword and goes to one knee to acknowledge the victor.
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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Baelon Drakeson Thu May 21, 2015 10:34 pm

Baelon sheathes his sword, and assists the much injured man to his feet.
Now that the adrenaline surge of battle is fading, he starts to become aware of the pain and blood of his various injuries - a large splinter of a lance protrudes from the front of his right leg, a massive bruise is forming on his back where he landed, and his shield arm shoulder just feels... wrong. Painfully so.
Gwyn will not be too happy with the condition I'm in. I need to invest in some better armor. Well, with three ransoms to collect that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

I accept your yield. You fought valiantly, and nearly had me."

He salutes the royal box, then turns back to Lord Manfryd.
Come, let us both to the Maester's tent. I suspect we are both in need of their assistance."

OOC: Whew, that was a close one. 3 health from total defeat! Honestly, when I spent that DP I did not expect to win...
Baelon Drakeson
Baelon Drakeson

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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Gwyneth Drakeson Thu May 21, 2015 11:07 pm

(OOC - Gwyn's thread with Maester Leopold is moving fairly slowly...annnnnnd he may or may not be reliable enough to cover these sorts of injuries. We'll have to see. Smile )
Gwyneth Drakeson
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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Reader Thu May 21, 2015 11:10 pm

Prince Daemon does not salute back, but gives a brief nod, no doubt ready with various correction to Daemon's technique. Princess Rhaenyra applauds as much as etiquette demands and no more.

Lord Mooton signals his agreement.

Aye, we'll make a fine study for the Maester's. I fear you've turned me the same colour as my family's sigil."

There's no rancour in his voice, nor disappointment at being bested. Lord Mooton simply drags himself towards the healers, eventually propped up by a squire.
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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

Post by Baelon Drakeson Thu May 21, 2015 11:35 pm

Gwyneth Marsten wrote:(OOC - Gwyn's thread with Maester Leopold is moving fairly slowly...annnnnnd he may or may not be reliable enough to cover these sorts of injuries. We'll have to see. Smile )
OOC: I don't have to be treated immediately - he's got almost two full days to sleep it off and recover...
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[Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton Empty Re: [Day 5 Round 3]Baelon v Lord Manfryd Mooton

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